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送交者:  2024年08月31日04:10:39 于 [世界游戏论坛] 发送悄悄话
印度是无法维持7-8%增长的 - 火树07/23/24

India is on the edge of total bankruptcy, still dreaming to be a superpower, Harvard Business Review reported "Less than half of the 950 million working-age population is actually employed""Bleak as this statistic is, the reality is worse. According to the Periodic Labor Force Survey, some half of all those workers are self-employed, a category that includes “unpaid helpers in family enterprises,”___Harvard Business review, by Bhaskar Chakravorti  July 19, 2024,

Due to the  lack of jobs in India it can negatively impact its economic growth rate: 

Lower purchasing power: When there are fewer jobs, people have less money to spend, which can lead to a decrease in consumer demand. 

Reduced productivity: Unemployment can make it harder for the economy to be productive. 

Increased government burden: Unemployment can increase the amount of money the government needs to spend. 

Limited investment and consumption: Unemployment can make it harder for people to invest and consume, which can slow economic growth. 

Poverty and income inequality: Unemployment can make poverty and income inequality worse. 

Social unrest: A high unemployment rate can lead to social unrest. 

According to McKinsey, if India doesn't improve its employment rates, it might not be able to achieve its goal of 7–8% annual GDP growth. This could also delay India's plans to become the world's third-largest economy by 2030.

No jobs, means no income, no income means no consumption, 90% of rural spend only $64 per month, and 10% spend $21 a month. 


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