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送交者:  2024年07月23日16:30:10 于 [世界游戏论坛] 发送悄悄话

                           India's socioeconomic structure, deeply rooted in its long history, traditions, and the caste system, presents significant challenges to achieving equitable economic growth. The caste system, while officially abolished, continues to influence social dynamics and economic opportunities. This persistent inequality means that wealth distribution is heavily skewed, with the rich becoming richer and the poor remaining poor.

Key Points:

  1. Caste System and Social Stratification:

    • The caste system has historically created rigid social hierarchies that limit social mobility. Despite modern laws, these divisions still impact education, employment, and economic opportunities .

  2. Economic Disparity:

    • Wealth concentration in the hands of a few means that the economic benefits of growth are not widely shared. The top income earners continue to accumulate wealth, while a significant portion of the population remains in poverty .

  3. Middle Class Size:

    • India's middle class is often highlighted as a driver of consumption, but when compared to global standards, its size is relatively small. A significant number of people considered middle class in India might fall below the middle-income threshold in developed countries .

  4. Internal Consumption:

    • India's economic growth is heavily reliant on internal consumption. However, with a large portion of the population having limited purchasing power, the domestic market cannot sustain high growth rates indefinitely .

  5. Sustainability of Economic Growth:

    • For sustainable economic growth, widespread improvements in income distribution and social equity are essential. Without addressing these structural issues, achieving consistent 7-8% GDP growth will be challenging .


India's socioeconomic landscape, influenced by its historical caste system and economic disparities, poses significant barriers to sustainable growth. For India to maintain its growth trajectory, it must address these deep-rooted issues, enhance social mobility, and create a more inclusive economy. Otherwise, the lack of broad-based consumption will hinder long-term economic sustainability.

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