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Indian Ocean shipping in war time
送交者:  2019年02月11日19:57:45 于 [世界游戏论坛] 发送悄悄话

why not India think about its own shipping safety in India Ocean?? is that same for India to protection the entire route also?? Actually India is in a much, much worse situation compare to China in war time. India depends on imported oil 100% from go through Indian Ocean, for China, besides China produce 50% of the total oil use by China herself, China also import oil from Russia and  Venezuela which do not go through Indian ocean. only 6-7% of total energy China needs go through Indian Ocean. With Gawdar port, China do not need to protect the entire route to Malacca Straight, but only west part of Indian Ocean, from Iran to Gwadar port is only about 100 mi . not too far from East  coast of African or less than 300 mi from Gulf of Oman which connected to Middle East, it is impossible for India's any war ship to be present in this narrow straight,,  only less than 5% of total Indian Ocean, (go check the map yourselves)  PLAN's tasks in war time: 1. protect Chinese and Pakistan ships in the west part of Indian Ocean, i.e. Gulf of Oman to Gwadar Port, the entire route is less than 500 km. ( Muscat to Gwadar. 257 miles / 413.6 km i) 2. cut off India's shipping from Iran and Middle east, not a difficult task at all. PLAN has total capability of protecting this short distance, total length is only about 500 km. completely under the coverage of China's AC fleet which includes, type 055 12000 tons destroyers, J-15 with over 1500 km range carrying YJ 18 range 400-600 km anti ship missiles, and at least 1/3 of China's submarines, include 6 of nuclear attacking submarine with total over 25 conventional attacking submarines. However, for India's tiny navy, its task is to protect at least half of the India Ocean, which is totally impossible.

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