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送交者: x-file 2020月03月04日18:26:48 于 [世界游戏论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 没错啊,就是那里出来的。 道友 于 2020-03-04 18:23:49
COVID-19 不是人工造的
送交者:  2020年03月03日23:57:16 于 [世界游戏论坛] 发送悄悄话

Could the novel coronavirus have been genetically engineered in a lab?

At the AAAS annual meeting on Feb. 13, Bedford fielded a number of questions from the international press corps about stories circulating that the virus causing COVID-19 might have been genetically engineered. “If you look for evidence of genetic engineering, you can find none whatsoever. It is completely consistent with natural evolution,” Bedford said.

In a Feb. 20 Twitter thread, Bedford summarized the evidence supporting a natural, rather than laboratory, origin for the virus:

Tweet from Trevor Bedford (@trvrb) that reads: I've written before that #COVID19 has no evidence of genetic engineering and the "bioweapon" theory has no grounds. See, for example [link]. In this thread I wanted to directly address the theory of escape from lab in Wuhan. 1/21
(Click to read thread on Twitter)

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