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送交者: x-file 2019月12月13日21:46:12 于 [世界游戏论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 对此川普推特 x-file 于 2019-12-13 21:42:07
  1.  7 minutes ago

    “This whole process has been rigged from the start.”  

    1,606 replies1,683 retweets6,276 likes  

  2.  2 hours ago

    .....The Penalty Tariffs set for December 15th will not be charged because of the fact that we made the deal. We will begin negotiations on the Phase Two Deal immediately, rather than waiting until after the 2020 Election. This is an amazing deal for all. Thank you!

    3,915 replies8,757 retweets32,697 likes  Show this thread

  3.  2 hours ago

    We have agreed to a very large Phase One Deal with China. They have agreed to many structural changes and massive purchases of Agricultural Product, Energy, and Manufactured Goods, plus much more. The 25% Tariffs will remain as is, with 7 1/2% put on much of the remainder....

    6,277 replies12,903 retweets44,174 likes  Show this thread

  4.   Retweeted 14 hours ago

    Disgraced in US, the Fusion GPS team tries to sell the product in Britain. http://ow.ly/se8t50xz3mZ 

    831 replies4,808 retweets13,318 likes  

  5.  4 hours ago

    The Wall Street Journal story on the China Deal is completely wrong, especially their statement on Tariffs. Fake News. They should find a better leaker!

    7,859 replies16,628 retweets60,958 likes  

  6.  4 hours ago

    Record Stock Market & Jobs!

    5,588 replies9,771 retweets44,023 likes  

  7.  4 hours ago

    How do you get Impeached when you have done NOTHING wrong (a perfect call), have created the best economy in the history of our Country, rebuilt our Military, fixed the V.A. (Choice!), cut Taxes & Regs, protected your 2nd A, created Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, and soooo much more? Crazy!

    22,840 replies18,456 retweets77,659 likes  

  8.  5 hours ago

    Congratulations to on being named, BY FAR, the Number One Rated cable news show. CNN and MSNBC have totally tanked, their ratings are terrible. They have zero credibility!

    7,200 replies11,501 retweets52,384 likes  

  9.  5 hours ago

    “All of our presidents would be impeached under this Rogue House of Democrat Leadership.”

    5,260 replies9,556 retweets37,598 likes  

  10.  6 hours ago

    The Republican Party is more united now than at any time in its history - by far!

    7,156 replies11,838 retweets59,345 likes  

  11.  6 hours ago

    The Do Nothing Democrats have become the Party of lies and deception! The Republicans are the Party of the American Dream!

    8,577 replies14,049 retweets56,201 likes  

  12.  6 hours ago

    Poll numbers have gone through the roof in favor of No Impeachment, especially with Swing States and Independents in Swing States. People have figured out that the Democrats have no case, it is a total Hoax. Even Pelosi admitted yesterday that she began this scam 2 1/2 years ago!

    5,471 replies15,330 retweets58,798 likes  

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