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Typical negotiation tactics.
送交者: usezguy 2016月12月12日18:37:38 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 川普不是疯子,他不过是标准的商人,他的台湾论调不过是谈判的筹码 LM9 于 2016-12-12 02:52:32

Typical negotiation tactics.

Before inaugaration, he is free to say anthing and do anything, as least he thinks so. Trump wants to fire the shots from different directions to stir China and check out the reaction from China, and set the stage for tough negotiation.  (Check out the movie Wall Street, there is a classic dialog about this tactics) However, his tactics makes sense in the business negotion due to the resource and leverage constrain on the other side. It does not apply to China. he will learn that on the job, hopefully quickly. China appears to do the tight thing now:

  1. keep the cards close to the heart. 

  2. take the advantage of weakening Taiwan position by making more moves on Taiwan side. 

This strategy has the lowest risk profile.

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