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送交者: x-file 2019月04月06日18:42:52 于 [世界游戏论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 一个都没少 美媒给印度的这一巴掌,有点狠.. x-file 于 2019-04-06 17:04:46

India defense minister and the whole India government said in public India shot down an F16 and the pilot was killed, then USA showed all the F16s are there in PAF, including those from Jordan.  therefore they have no credit, lying is part of their pollical and everyday life, no need to treat what they say seriously. 

India is lagging behind in all areas, not just in defense, in military, but also in R&D, education, healthy care, industry, .........................., so it shows, India is having some more fundamental problems, Modi cannot change it (5 yrs under his government, what changed??)  nor Congress can change it, no one on earth can change it, may be only God can.

 "a nation can only get a government it deserves"

 India is a country of no future. no hope, no way out.

 the real reason is not others, not the government (since it is from the people), but the people themselves and what they created, including but no limited to, their culture, their religion, their society and their political systems, that is why nobody can change it. 

compare to China, exactly 100 yrs ago on May 4th 1919, Chinese intellectual youth initiated 54 movement, they bravely shouted out down with "Confucius" and what it represented old ideology (of course we know now that there are lots of good things in Confucius teachings ) and warmly welcomed "science" and "democracy" from the west. and among them, they accepted Marxism, and used it as the ideology guideline, finally, established PRC in 1949, with all the changes, now China's GDP is 5 times of India although at the time in 1950s India and China had about the same level in development. 

On the contrary, India sticks to "Hinduism" which showed not useful at all through out thousand of years. It is not really a religion, but just some old traditions, myth, fairy tales , old culture, it can explain everything, but cannot change anything, cannot solve any problem in real life, it is opium for India people, it lets them feel good and poison them and let them weaker, let them sick, let them stick to the past, let them have no future.

 together with this out dated, backward religion India adopted useless no efficient western pollical system, so they just fight mouth wars all the time, no one can really find a path for India's future development. and in the countryside, India keeps the very old agriculture production way with no efficiency, no land reform, with 47% of labor work in agriculture, and 25% more arable land than China, has total grain production only 1/3 of China's.

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