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Russia: "Unconditional Capitulation" of Ukraine
送交者:  2024年04月13日19:34:14 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Russia to United Nations: Prepare for "Unconditional Capitulation" of Ukraine

Russia to United Nations: Prepare for "Unconditional Capitulation" of Ukraine

Russia just said the quiet part out loud: There must be unconditional capitulation (i.e. surrender)" by Ukraine.

During yesterday's UN Security Council meeting Vasily Nebenzya, the Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations, said:

"This is how it will go down in history - as an inhuman and hateful regime of terrorists and Nazis who betrayed the interest of their people and sacrificed it for Western money and for Zelenski and his closest circle.

In these conditions, attempts by the head of the Kiev regime to promote his formula and convene summits in support of the Kiev regime cause only confusion.

Very soon the only topic for any international meetings on Ukraine will be the unconditional capitulation of the Kiev regime.

I advise you all to prepare for this in advance."

  做世界流氓fdxg的下场,,,,  /无内容 - oldfarmer 04/13/24 (45)
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