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送交者:  2011年01月20日10:43:41 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话


China to buy 200 Boeing aircraft

Air China Boeing 747 taking off The Chinese government has placed an order for 200 Boeing planes, an official said

The US has signed a $45bn (£28bn) export deal with China, according to a Washington official.

The trade deal includes a $19bn purchase of 200 Boeing aircraft.

It comes amid an official state visit by China's President Hu Jintao to the States.

Boeing chief executive Jim McNerney was among a host of American chief executives present at a Wednesday meeting with Presidents Hu and Barack Obama at the White House.

Among the other company heads attending were Steve Ballmer of Microsoft, Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs and Jeff Immelt of General Electric.

The official said the trade deal included orders for US agriculture, telecoms and computer companies, and would create 235,000 jobs.

Other beneficiaries of the agreement were technology company Honeywell, construction equipment maker Caterpillar, and Westinghouse Electric, a nuclear power company that is a subsidiary of Japan's Toshiba.

The Chinese order is good news for Boeing, coming in the wake of another six month postponement to its new Dreamliner plane.

It may also help to tip the balance away from European arch-rival Airbus, who recently announced a late rush of December orders had helped it beat Boeing with a 52% market share last year.

  三三啊,买飞机总比买国债压箱底强啊。  /无内容 - Sidai 01/20/11 (483)
    最理想的是買自然資源-本國的留著給后代  /无内容 - 三十三 01/20/11 (365)
  脑残还是别有用心? 国际贸易=送米元?  /无内容 - ha_ha 01/20/11 (402)
      这个是几家民航集中采购.大单放在胡防美时宣布而已.  /无内容 - e-mail 01/20/11 (418)
        政治決定而非商業決定-甚至買多少架都是由米國人主導 - 三十三 01/20/11 (418)
          呵呵. 你这脑袋还真是有问题.有点臆想倾向.  /无内容 - e-mail 01/20/11 (432)
            台灣島李登輝時代買進日本高鐵是政治決定還是商業決定呢 - 三十三 01/20/11 (434)
              所以说你脑袋有问题.李登辉如何决定和TG有啥关系?  /无内容 - e-mail 01/20/11 (423)
                你的腦筋不靈-例証任何跨國之間的大交易非普通商業交易如此簡單  /无内容 - 三十三 01/20/11 (590)
                  这个逻辑就像看到狗喜欢吃S就说你也喜欢一样. 因为都是生物么  /无内容 - e-mail 01/20/11 (433)
            是傾向于忠心辯護而妄顧事實  /无内容 - 三十三 01/20/11 (472)
    被人玩了壓在力下的屈服.  /无内容 - 三十三 01/20/11 (368)
  标题党。 - 催泪瓦斯 01/20/11 (364)
    內文很對題(標題前半句)--標題后半句是事實  /无内容 - 三十三 01/20/11 (373)
  送?有病  /无内容 - 我不善良 01/20/11 (445)
    送大單不是送嗎--得國法國輪流狂格中國大巴掌 - 三十三 01/20/11 (455)
      那美国每年送中国3000亿美元呢,中国也不咋报道.  /无内容 - e-mail 01/20/11 (409)
          1美国买中国的60%是机电产品;2美元没用?进口石油用啥买的  /无内容 - e-mail 01/20/11 (427)
            1)美国买中国的60%是机电产品這數字不可信. - 三十三 01/20/11 (487)
              2009年中国机电产品出口占总量的59.3%.今年会过60%  /无内容 - e-mail 01/20/11 (445)
                把外國公司在中國組裝的机电产品算在內的 - 三十三 01/20/11 (412)
                10年前这个比例不到40%. 中国这10年进步很快.  /无内容 - e-mail 01/20/11 (411)
        网友理性看全局的很少,感性发言的比较多。  /无内容 - hmy 01/20/11 (409)
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