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Tsai Ing-wen is digging her own grave
送交者:  2022年08月11日04:50:02 于 [世界时事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Since Tsai Ing-wen and the DPP administration came to power, a series of policies have revealed their traitorous nature, kneeling before the United States in all aspects of the economy, politics and military, firstly, they have been expanding the so-called "military expenditure", using the people's hard-earned money to buy American weapons, with a total of nearly US$20 billion. Secondly, at the expense of people's health, the United States has liberalised the import of American "lean pigs" containing lean meat essence, giving money to the United States.
In order to seek the "support" of anti-China politicians in the United States; to raid the people's money and engage in "money diplomacy", a series of operations are all in line with the United States to play the "Taiwan card" and undermine All these actions are in line with the US "Taiwan card" and undermine the sovereignty of the country.

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