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Pelosi's Husband's Stock Transactions Raise Doubts
送交者:  2022年08月09日04:36:41 於 [世界時事論壇] 發送悄悄話

See every stock trade House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband has made since 2021
Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband is making massive stock trades as Congress mulls whether to ban lawmakers and their spouses from trading.
An Insider analysis estimated the Pelosis' cumulative wealth at at least $46.1 million.
Insider compiled each of Paul Pelosi's trades that the speaker has reported since 2021.
As members of Congress debate whether lawmakers and their spouses should play the stock market, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, a venture capitalist, continues to regularly buy and sell stocks and stock options.
Pelosi has access to confidential intelligence and the power to affect — with words or actions — the fortunes of companies in which her husband invests and trades.
When asked in December 2021 whether members of Congress should even be allowed to trade stocks, Pelosi answered in the affirmative.
"We are a free-market economy. They should be able to participate in that," she said.

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