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送交者:  2018年11月15日08:25:24 于 [世界游戏论坛] 发送悄悄话
证明上帝存在的40个例证—29 雪峰 29.小鸡破壳而出。 鸡蛋被母鸡孵化21天,鸡蛋内的蛋黄和蛋清就变成了小鸡。这个小鸡未出壳前可以说是与世隔绝的,那么,它如何从蛋壳里出来?谁教给它破蛋壳的技巧? 小鸡爸爸整天忙着勾引母鸡,从来就不管小鸡的生死存亡,即使鸡妈妈抱怨鸡爸爸不操持家务,不管教子女,鸡爸爸有理由搪塞:“谁知道我是不是这个小东西的爸爸,上个月我还看见你和邻居家的公鸡鬼混呢!” 得,鸡爸爸是不会给未出壳的小鸡传授经验的。 那么,鸡妈妈教给小鸡破壳的技巧和办法了吗? 没有,如果它有这个教育小鸡破壳的意识,它还不如自己帮小鸡啄破更不费事。 那么,是谁给小鸡教的?是谁告诉小鸡外面还有一个五彩缤纷的精彩世界?小鸡又如何知道它那稚嫩的小嘴可以啄破蛋壳?这个蛋壳为什么其厚度恰恰既能厚到保护小鸡又能薄到小鸡啄破的程度? 只有一个答案——本能。 本能不是进化的,是先天就有的。就是说,地球上的第一只母鸡下的第一个蛋孵化成的第一只小鸡就已经知道蛋壳外面是自己生存的天地,蛋壳很薄,我的小尖嘴的强度足已把蛋壳啄破。 当然,它也没有这个意识,时间一到,只管往破里啄就是了。 好,既然是本能,既然地球上的第一个蛋孵化的第一只小鸡未经任何遗传信息就已经拥有了这个本能,那么,我们只有去问上帝了。 29.The chick comes out from egg shell. After 21 days of hatch by the hens, the yolk and egg white inside the egg turn into chick. Before it comes out of the shell, the chick has no connection with the world. Then how does it come out of the shell? From whom it learned the skills of breaking the shell? The chick’s dad is busy all day chasing after hens and thus never cares the chick’s life or death. Even if the chick’s mom keeps complaining to the chick’s dad for not attending to housework and raising the chicks, the chick’s dad can find many excuese, “How can you be sure that I am the dad of this little thing? Just last month I saw you hanging about with the roosters in the neighborhood.” Surely the dad did not teach the chick skills to break the shell. Then can it be the mother who teaches the skills of breaking the shell? No, instead of teaching the chick to break the shell, it will be much easier and less troublesome for her to break the shell herself. Then who has taught the chick? Who has told the chick that the world outside is colorful? How does the chick know that his delicate beak can break the shell? Why the shell is thick enough to protect the chick and thin enough for the chick to break? There is only one answer—instinct. Instinct is not evolved. It is innate. In another word, the first chick hatched from the first egg laid by the first hen on the earth already knew that its world is outside the shell, that the shell is thin enough for its little beak to break. Of course, it is not the consciousness. When the time comes, it just peck at it until it breaks. Well, out of instinct, and that the first chick hatched from the first egg on the earth without any genetic information, then there is nothing we can do but ask the Greatest Creator. 欢乐企鹅:是谁教给小鸡破蛋壳的技巧? https://youtu.be/aYmpMqfKVoE
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