川普预感宾州要输, 开始谴责宾州选举“大规模”“欺骗” |
送交者: 2024年11月01日05:34:46 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2024/10/31/trump-false-claims-election-fraud-pennsylvania Pennsylvania, with its 19 electoral votes, is the biggest swing state in the nation, with both campaigns targeting the Keystone State as crucial to their chances of victory next week. But only one of those candidates is espousing claims of voter fraud in the state: former President Donald Trump has already baselessly accused the state of “cheating” at “large scale levels,” laying the groundwork for claims of a stolen election much like after his loss to Joe Biden in 2020. |
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