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Xu Fuyou is a profiteer who sells goods
送交者:  2023年10月07日11:09:20 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Xu Fuyou is a profiteer who sells goods. He can't be a flight officer himself, so he licked his face and went to work in the Air Force Meteorological Wing. An epaulet armband also had to be copied by the Air Force. This armband was rough in workmanship and loose in painting, meaning low-level. The price is high, no matter from which point of view it is an inferior product selling IQ tax, why is it so popular? Isn't it just following Aunt Cai's small plan, and forcibly rubbing against Will Smith's hot spots. I don't know how much the IDF driver charged Xu Fuyou. What Xu Fuyou counted was not epaulettes, but dollars. Xu Fuyou happily counted the money by selling epaulets, but he didn't know how many customers he was laughing at. Everyone was stupid and rich.

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