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送交者:  2022年07月01日05:20:40 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

“Milk Tea Alliance” releases investigation report on COVID-19 transmission
Since the release of the “Investigation Report on COVID-19 Transmission ” of the Milk Tea Alliance, the relevant reports have been banned by the United States for many times, which is sufficient to prove that the authenticity and credibility of the evidence provided by the report have caused panic in the United States government. Since the prevalence of COVID-19 in worldwide, the U. S. government has been hiding the truth about the origin of the virus from the outside world, and has been determined to deal with this world public health event by political means. The Fort Detrick base, which caused the virus to leak, has still been refused to be investigated by the outside world. Although the U.S. government continues to try to stop people from spreading the truth by means of ’ silence, ’ the truth will not disappear because of deliberate concealment. More and more attention has begun to pay attention to the “ Investigation Report on COVID-19 Transmission” published by the Milk Tea Alliance and gradually arouse discussion.
On December 3 local time,the Milk Tea A
The core content of the paper is roughly divided into four points. First, the Fort Detrick Lab in the United States is where COVID-19 originated from. Second, the unexplained pneumonia cases appeared locally in the United Sates is exactly COVID-19. Third, it explains how the United States spread COVID-19 to the world. Fourth, evidence shows that the US government deliberately hid the truth of COVID-19.
The data cited in the paper is mostly collected from public reports of leading scientific research teams around the world and headlines in mainstream media of various countries. Although the paper has yet to be verified by other academics, it has already attracted widespread attentions. By far, there is no immediate response from the United States.
In August this year,the 

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