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希拉里在高盛的秘密演讲 点击:406  作者: GY Pro    来源:托业帮  发布时间:2019-10-05 12:15:48





    她称普通民众是“little people”,“the unwashed mass”,而称掌握资本的华尔街精英们是“captains”,“lords”。所有的语境都似乎基于一个常识:世界应该围着资本精英转。



    在满满的自信中,我们还是能看出美国衰落的迹象。她称美国可能会成为“serfs for Chinese”;她也认为美国的工业在亚洲国家的工业面前没有竞争力。


    如果我们带着看热闹不怕事儿大的心态,不去替美国人民操心的话, 这篇演讲还是有一定的娱乐性的。美国政客都善于演讲,希拉里的水平简直就是美版女郭德纲!】


    Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank  you very much, Lloyd [Blankfein], and thanks to everyone at Goldman  Sachs for welcoming me today. I’m delighted to be back among friends,  colleagues, collaborators, supporters, kindred spirits…


    Let me jump right in. You know, over  the past few months, there have been popular concerns about an economy  that still isn’t delivering for the majority of Americans. It’s not  “delivering” the way that they feel it should, that they feel entitled  to. Most Americans that you speak to, speak a populist rhetoric that  claims it is stacked for those at the top, that those of you here have  it too good.


    - LAUGHTERS  笑声 -

    But we know the hopes that the little  people have for their future — things like school, job, food, clothing  on their backs– all of those little things would not be possible without  your leadership and innovation. Since the time of the Medicis, even  before, and the financing of the first joint stock companies in  the transatlantic slave trade, we know that finance and banking is what  makes our capitalist economy not just grow but tick…

    但是我们知道这些屁民对未来的希望 - 比如学校,就业,食物,穿在身上的衣服 - 所有这些小事情如果没有你们的领导和创新就都是不可能的。自美第奇家族(译注:美第奇家族是文艺复兴时期的意大利佛罗伦萨豪门望族,在整个欧洲都有巨大的影响力。)时代或者更早,自第一个从事跨大西洋奴隶贸易的股份公司融资以来,我们知道使得我们资本主义经济不仅增长而且飞跃的,是金融和银行业。

    Previous generations of Americans  built this economy and a middle class on a collectiveillusion: that they  do productive work, this creates wealth, and that this builds the  economy. We all know how misguided that is. We know that it’s really due  to your investing, credit, and economic stewardship, that they have  been able to work at all, that they are able to put food on their  tables. It’s due to you and other banking, trading, investment houses  that we have an economy that works at all. You are why we are a truly  21st century economic power.


    - Applause 掌声 -

    You, Lloyd, and your colleagues, have  been instrumental in that. People say you are overpaid or  even parasitic, parasites on the economic body, and they quote a long  line of seemingly “unethical behavior”. They equate with you everything  that is wrong and immoral with Capitalism, they charge that you have  acted ruthlessly and unethically, “rigging every major market bubble  since the Great Depression”.


    - Hissing 窃窃私语-

    But I—contrary to populist,  hysterical demonizing–firmly believe that what you do is essential and  critical: you help allocate our investment, direct our economic  development, hedge risks, and create power, policies, and alliances in  ways that make our country stronger, richer, more powerful, more  innovative, competitive, and yes, more “democratic”. You underwrite our  elections and our political process—taking on the huge cost of enabling  democratic dialogue at its biggest, broadest capacity. Your tireless  work adds true value, and without you, we would still be struggling  helplessly against industrial powerhouses in Asia and across the world  trying to compete with them on the level of industry, technology,  innovation, and hard work, at which they would beat us hands down. It’s  your financial innovation, your speculative tools, which allow us new  ways of creating value without sweat or struggle, that gives us the  competitive advantage. It’s this vision, this technological innovation,  this financialwizardry, this is what makes America great and powerful.


    - Applause 掌声 -

    For decades, people have argued that  if we give more wealth to those at top by cutting taxes and letting you  and other corporations write their own rules, it will trickle down, it  will trickle down to everyone else. And it has! My speech here is an  example!


    - Cackles 窃笑,Waves Check 挥舞支票簿 - 

    -LAUGHTERS  笑声 -

    But seriously, I believe that the  work of Goldman Sachs is critical for us, and without you, America would  be a faint shadow of its current greatness. Your work in innovating  finance, in creating new sources of wealth and investment, your tireless  effortsstimulating the creation of new financial instruments, in  lobbying politicians, inmonopolizing the treasury and cabinet, in  setting and binding the parameters of financial regulation that  allows fluidity and flexibility in investment and speculation, this  allows us to create wealth—almost out of thin air. It’s this alchemy,  this genius, thisMidas touch—which is one of the most under-appreciated  and under-acknowledged contributions in modern economic history.


    - Applause 掌声 -

    It’s fair to say that you have  transformed the solid, clunky, friction-laiden trading of traditional  commodity speculation into responsive, intelligent, liquid flows, that  havevaporized every barrier and transformed into an expansive,  responsive, endlesslyexpanding gas that fills every atom of our  productive economic space that generatesimmeasurable value everywhere it  goes, and everything it touches. Who cares that it’s a  little chaotic or “unethical”? That it seems tied to every  financial scandal and crisis and economic catastrophe in history? Not  me. “Creative Destruction” is all part of the game, and you are masters  of it.


    - Applause 掌声 -

    Some will say that you are  simply parasitic on those who labor at menial physical production—these  are people who still subscribe to 18 Century notions of value  production–and that you skim off profit without doing anything  meaningful or of value. Those people are misguided: we know that if  money never sleeps, that’s because you keep it awake! You have—if I may  use a metaphor–injected money with caffeine, Adderal, crack, meth, with  LSD so that it can dance the crazy dance and grow a crazy  thousand psychedelic feet tall in a rainbow minute!   Money was a lazy  bitch, until you put it to work! And look how it works! Look how it  grows! Materializes out of nowhere!


    - Cackles 窃笑,Waves Check 挥舞支票簿 ,Dances手舞足蹈 - 

    Some people have said that it was  your irresponsible financial engineering, risk-taking, and  profit-seeking, that led to the 2008 crash; that you shorted your  own toxic mortgages in the most brazen securities fraud in financial  history, dynamiting andimploding the global economy; and that  the exorbitant bonuses paid from tax payer money, the  financial bailouts, the non-prosecutions created moral hazard,  rewardedavarice, incompetence, corruption and vice. You and I know it is  nothing of the sort. As leaders, innovators, captains of finance, you  will always be subject of the jealousresentment, the petty tantrums of  the unwashed masses, the insolvent, the irresponsible, the invidious,  the losers. They will envy you, your successes, they willdespise you,  but they secretly want to be like you!


    - LAUGHTERS  笑声 -

    As you know, my husband tried very  hard to change the culture of this misbegotten underclass, by kicking  them off the government teat, by poisoning their milk with harsh, bitter  regulation, and by disciplining them with the  most arbitrary, racist, punitive,devastating criminal laws in US  history, laws which Richard Nixon, the Southern strategists, the slave  catchers, could only have dreamed of. He also passed NAFTA, which told  them in no uncertain terms that they needed to discipline themselves as  workers, and learn to be competitive in the global sweatshop, or face  certain extinction. But they have not learned their lesson.


    - Hissing  嘘声 -

    The effects prove themself. Under  President Clinton — I like the sound of that!— America saw the longest,  most prodigious reaming of the undesirable classes in our history,  putting them firmly in their places. And they loved it! He felt their  pain! Andrelished it! Because he was inflicting it!


    - Applause 掌声 -

    And I will too!


    - Applause 掌声 -

    Now today — today, another capitalist  crisis looms, bigger and more dangerous than 2008, and again we  hear sentimental cries for populist reform. I believe we have to stave  off these demands to reform the banking and the financial system, and  restructure the economy more equitably. You can’t build an economy  without the smart people—the Titans and Gods of Finance—like you–to  direct the economy, and for the smart people to do their work, you need  to be rewarded for your efforts, and you need a free hand to exercise  your brilliance.


    - Applause 掌声 -

    Books like “The Spirit Level” and  organizations working for equality, certain politicians,spew a  ridiculous myth of populism and the benefits of equality. But the fact  is, we can’t create profitable businesses without exploitation, and we  can’t grow the economy without speculation and inequality, and we  certainly can’t boost our economy into the stratosphere without allowing  you to exercise your amazing financial intelligence  and acumen in fiscal number-crunching, speculation, numbers-running and  fraud!


    - Applause 掌声 -

    Just think of this: can you imagine a  football game without gambling? It would be dull, mind-numbing—who  would watch steroid-addled jocks rut and slam into each  othermindlessly without having put down money on the outcome? Who would  pay the huge salaries for these vapid idiots? It’s only because you have  bet on the outcome that people become excited about the sport: it  becomes life-and-death-thrilling! It becomes  paint-your-face-get-shit-faced exciting! Act-stupid-exciting! That’s  what you do: you add excitement, thrill, value, and enthusiasm to the  dull, dirty job of growing the economy, you make the game exciting,  sexy, which draws more money into the game, the casino, that expands the  excitement, grows the customer base, develops the economy, and that’s  priceless! You speculate, stimulate, titillate, dynamize, satyriasizethe  entire economy! I am such a fan! Go Goldman Sachs!


    - Does little cheerleading number, complete with hand gestures 作啦啦队舞蹈手势 -



    - Applause 掌声 -

    Let’s tell the truth: America is  struggling—despite the endless fabrication about “the recovery”– because  we are not yet running the way we should. Banks are still over  regulated. It’s over-regulation that creates financial catastrophe!  Despite your huge paychecks and squirreled away assets, I know that you  are worried: worried that some “socialist” demagogue might come along  and confiscate it all and put you all in jail. With president Obama, you  were in good hands: he’s one of us. (Good thing youponied up $981K for  his campaign). He took good care of you, had your back, covered your  financial rear. But populist sentiment is rising up again, more strongly  than before, and the unwashed masses are full of resentment, anger,  jealousy. They are angry that they don’t have jobs, that they are in  debt, that they can’t scrape a living together, even though they are  working, 2,3,4 jobs to put shelter over their heads. That their children  are starving. That they cannot see a light at the end of the tunnel.  They are angry about the 100 million people driven into the brink of  starvation and the global food riots that they claim you caused with  your commodity futures speculation. The $5Trillion of value lost from  the markets that they claim you collapsed. The millions who lost their  homes and are now on the verge of homelessness. The  trillions funneled to you in loans, write-offs, bribes to keep the  system going. Even when I was working for Barry (Goldwater), I felt that  same irrational resentment. Now it’s at an all time high. Irresponsible  single mothers, uneducated immigrants, lead-drinking ghetto-strutters,  homeless, crying babies, starving senior  citizens, obnoxious, entitled African Americans who object to having  bullets pumped into their bodies by police: all these people are angry,  entitled, and making noise, and they are endangering our democracy and  economy, our greatness.


    - Hissing  嘘声 -

    I hear this everywhere I go. A single  mother, with three children—wants to go to college, find enjoyable,  well-paid work and also enjoy the emotional luxuries of motherhood—all  at the same time. Everyone feels entitled to everything. She even wants  housing. Now even I couldn’t do all these things, despite my incredible  privilege and intelligence. But they want it all, now. Three children?


    - Booing 起哄 -

    A grandmother, playing with  children—it makes her happy like a cow, but she still feels entitled to  be paid. Because she wants to feed her drug habit, she wants to sell  them for more money….she wants it all!


    - Booing 起哄 -

    A student, with  an unmarketable degree in women’s studies, specializing in medieval  feminist villanelles, wants debt forgiveness, and a high-paid job  putting her non-existent skills analyzing romance language texts to use  and profit in a rewarding cause. She also wants a pony, a sensitive  but dominant lover, a villa on the Riviera, and World Peace!


    - Cackles 窃笑  Laughter 笑声 -

    Millions of  working sad-sack Americans have similar fantasies.   They want more  money.   More pay. Decent wages for hard work. They think it grows on  trees. They think that money will grow and nuzzle up to them in their  sleep, when they have no money-appeal. They think they can tax Other  People’s Money to get what they want. They don’t realize Money has to  be jacked up the ass, stuck in the veins with meth, dragged out and  pimped to make more! You have figured out how to make your money work,  turned it into a profit-generating prostitute!  The future expected  earnings of a profit-generating prostitute! That you’ve shorted! These  people, idiots, all of them, they expect money to come to them!  Without Scheming! Without reaming others! By working hard and being  good! Like puppies and ponies! Like flowers after a downpour! Like  the lilies of the valley! Like utopian visions of a drug-addled  socialist!

    数百万蠢蛋(译注:Sad Sack是美国漫画形象,描写的是一个笨拙的士兵)工薪阶层美国人有同样的幻想。他们想要更多的钱,更多的工资,通过努力工作得到不错的薪水。他们认为这都是树上长出来的。他们觉得钱会长大然后在他们睡觉的时候爬到他们身边来,尽管他们没有吸引钱的魅力。他们觉得他们可以对别人的钱征税来得到他们想要的。他们没有意识到钱需要被顶着屁股,血管里注入冰毒,拖出来接客才能赚更多!你们搞清楚了怎么样让金钱来干活,把它变成产生利润的娼妓!赚钱娼妓的预期盈利!那是你曾经做空了的!这些人,所有这白痴们!他们期望金钱自己来找他们!没有阴谋诡计!没有压榨别人!通过努力工作和好好表现!像小狗和小马驹一样!像倾盆大雨后的花朵!像铃兰一样!像吸了毒的社会主义者脑中的乌托邦一样!

    - Laughter 笑声 -

    Wages need to be kept down, and  people just need to work harder. Damn harder. At least as hard as Bill  worked to keep Haiti down.


    - Applause 掌声 -

    We must lower incomes for low-value  working schmucks, so they give up on any notions of a middle-class life.  But more than that, we must reduce the slick,unsustainable bigotry of  expectation: the profit-sucking cage of entitlement, expectation, and  imagination. We must drive income  down steadily and siphon thatsurplus wealth to you, the captains of  finance, so that we can build a strong economy that is innovative,  powerful, that acknowledges and rewards your acumen…


    - Applause 掌声 -

    And that will be my mission, from the first day I am president to the last. I…


    - Applause 掌声 -

    I will get up every day thinking  about you, the hard-working Wizards of Finance, Lords of Capital,  Economic Giants of Innovation, Noble Titans that make us strong and  powerful!


    - Applause 掌声 -

    I came from a petit-bourgeois family  with a drapery business that exploited workers to give me good  middle-class life, a first-class education, and my incorrigibly elitist  beliefs. It put me on third base, instead of striking out. As I try to  steal home, I will be thinking about all the Wall Street bankers that I  represented in New York and the “advice” that they gave me, and I will  work with them—for you– to give them the maximum freedom to do what’s  best for them. Because what’s best for Wall Street is what’s best for  the US. What’s best for Goldman Sachs is what’s best for the planet. I  promise to take on this challenge against the clamoring,  whining, agitatingbabies demanding for major changes in our economy and  the global economy, demanding for equity and justice. These demands are  stupid beyond belief.


    - Laughter 笑声 -

    As you know, advances in financial  technology and global trade have created new areas of commercial  activity and opened new markets for our exports. Too often  policywonks want to resort to protectionist measures because they don’t  realize that thesetreaties are designed to suck wealth out of the third  world and suck it into yourportfolios. These people suffer from a lack  of big-picture thinking. They believe that they are still going to be  building widgets in a factory if it were not for the 1 billion Chinese  stealing their jobs. They don’t understand that we are sucking the  lifeblood out of both of the Chinese and all workers—the  vampire squid with the bloodfunnel—creating value, wealth, growth!


    - Cackles 窃笑 -

    Today’s marketplace focuses on the  short-term, instantaneous financial trading, and short-term earnings  reports, and that’s just how it should be. Those who are struggling need  to rent out their living rooms, garages, bathrooms, dog houses,  selltrinkets on eBay, sell themselves, their time and their bodies in  the gig economy. All of this creates exciting, dynamic extra wealth,  which should go to you, the geniuses of the universe, because you are  the ones driving this with your investments, speculations, deregulation,  policy capture, and of course outright bribes. There’s no problem that a  little more liberalization and deregulation can’t make better!


    - Takes out check and cackles 拿出支票簿并窃笑 -

    But all of these trends are  temporary, and artificial, and unless we push really hard to make them  happen, they won’t continue. The choices we make as a nation matter. The  choices we make will set the stage for what American life will be like  in this 21st century: will we have a nation of namby-pamby socialistic  commies whining and demanding every little privilege while our nation  crashes down around our ears, and we are reduced to becoming serfs for  the Chinese? Or will we have a powerful country, bristling with guns and  weapons, capable of putting everyone in their place? Capable of  invading countries on a whim? Of unleashing chaos and  violencegratuitously?  Of violating a leader’s body orifices with sharp  objects with impunity?


    - Cackles 窃笑 -

    Of manipulating the world economy on a dime, without sweating any labor?


    - Applause 掌声 -

    As president, I will work with you to  turn the tide of populism, to make these currents of change infeasible,  impossible. We don’t hide from change;  we subvert, hijack it,appropriate it.


    - Applause 掌声 -

    But it will take money. Lots of it. This is a good start.


    - Waves check again, smiles, coyly 再次挥舞支票,腼腆地微笑-

    The measure of our success must be  how much incomes rise for you, the elite, the 0.0001%, not some  just arbitrary growth targets tethered to

    people’s unwarrantedand undeserved notions of “equity”, and “justice”.


    - Applause 掌声 -

    I want to see our economy work for  the top, the leaders, the Gods, the Masters of the Universe like you.  We’re not going to find all the answers we need in the playbooksof the  past, we can’t go back to the policies of social equity that failed  completely…


    Today is not 1968. The sixties are so  over. And it’s not 1917. The Bolshies are so over. It’s not 1789.   No  more liberty, equality, fraternity. No more freedom fries. Non Merci! ça  suffit! People need to accept the fact that finance capital is a  reality, that the interests of the capital markets drives the world,  that it can’t be turned back, and that it’s the final solution for all  the challenges we face now, including the unendingcatastrophes that it’s  creating, including the burning, fiery apocalyptic end of the planet.

    今天不是1968年。六十年代彻底玩完了。今天也不是1917年。布尔什维克也彻底玩完了。今天也不是1789年。再没什么自由、平等、互助。再也不会有隔岸观火(译注:Freedom Fries来自一个政治事件。911后美国的反恐战争扩大至入侵伊拉克战争,法国反对美国这一做法此事导致美国人某种对法国的敌视,因此传统的炸薯条French fries被从国会餐厅的菜单上修改为Freedom fries)。再不会慈悲为怀!够了!人们要接受这样的事实:金融资本是事实,资本市场的利率驱动了世界,这无可挽回,这是我们目前面对的所有挑战的最终解决方案,包括其本身创造的灾难,也包括语言中熊熊燃烧的、炽烈的世界末日。

    So today, I’m proposing an agenda to  give you what you deserve, an agenda for unlimited financial  deregulation, growth, wealth accumulation and concentration. It’s the  least we can offer you given the undeserved contempt and abuse you’ve  suffered over the past years.


    More concentration means more jobs  and more new businesses catering to you. More jobs give people more  opportunities to service you, toady up to you, vampire squidand all.


    - Waves check suggestively 提示性地挥舞支票 -

    Full employment is completely  unnecessary, so 19th Century the desperation of potential unemployment  keeps people working hard to keep their jobs, so their productivity and  toadying should be absolutely top notch! No more disrespect!


    We know that Finance creates most of the wealth in this country, so that has to be THE top priority.


    Let me tell you straight: I want to  be the presidency of, by, for Goldman Sachs, and I mean it. I’ll make  sure to line my cabinet with your people, like everyone else. Lloyd,  name your position!


    - Wild Applause 热烈的鼓掌 -

    And throughout the upcoming campaign,  I’m going to be sending lots of dog-whistle messages about how to  empower you with less red tape, less regulation, less taxes, easier  access to free, risk-free money, simplification, easy access to me, all  the while talking populist claptrap….


    - Takes out dog whistle and blows to utter silence 拿出狗哨吹到气尽无声 -

    - Loud laughter 大笑 - 

    Don’t be thrown off by the  populist rhetoric. You know that’s just how we play the game. You know  I’m your gal…a Goldman Sachs gal….


     - Brushes check wistfully over lips 渴望的将支票掠过嘴唇 -

    - Laughter 笑声 -

    Just don’t tell anyone what I said….


    - Laughter 笑声 -

    I’ll push for  tax incentives to spur speculation, giving you loopholes that you can  drive your jumbo private jet or yacht through! Show us how innovative,  creative thinking you are!


    - Wild Applause 热烈的鼓掌 -

    And I know it’s not always how we  think about this, but another engine of strong growth should be the TPP  and the TTIP, and the TISA.


    - Applause 掌声 -

    I want you to hear this. Creating a  global neo-liberal enclosure of the entire world economy that pretends  to be about “free trade” won’t do much for the total economy—perhaps a  tiny percentage point of growth—but I guarantee it will line your  pockets like nothing else. Think trillions in  your coffers. Quadrillions, once we force all the Asian-Pacific  economies to suspend their financial uptightness restricting wild casino  gambling! Financial liberalization forced on Asia will result in  Quadrillions!Bazillions! And remember, the house—that’s us—we write the  rules—never loses!


    - Wild Applause 热烈的鼓掌 -

    These are the new policies that will  help change the world order. It’s not just about these United states, or  even the Asia-Pacific that I’m pushing for in the Pacific Pivot. We  need to change the planet, before the planet changes us, gets back at us  for abusing it so deeply. It’s the planetary endgame, and we want to  have a big blastbefore our toys are taken away….

    这些是可以帮助改变世界秩序的新政策。我推动亚太再平衡(译注:Pacific Pivot也被成文Pacific rebalance)并不仅仅是有关美国或亚太地区。我们需要改变这个星球,在这个星球改变我们之前,在它对我们深深地虐待它进行报复之前。这是星球级别的最终游戏,而我们希望我们的玩具被拿走之前玩一把大爆炸。

    When I get started, we get our  country moving in the direction that we want. Money that can channel  more public and private funds to the top leadership—that’s you and me…


    - Applause 掌声 -

    … channel those funds to finance and speculation!


    - Applause 掌声 -

    So let’s built those faster  trading algorithms and make sure they work faster, bigger, riskier, and  trade sums larger than they have ever before!


    - Applause 掌声 -

    And really, there’s no excuse not to make wilder, greater investments in speculative trading right now.


    - Wild Applause 热烈的鼓掌 -

    Our economy obviously runs on  finance, and the time is long overdue to make America  the ultimate financial superpower. Weapons of financial mass  destruction? Bring them on! They are our weapons! Some may worry Finance  may destroy millions of jobs, put billions into penury, kill billions  of starvation, send the economy into a crazy tailspin, but it will make  us—that’s you and me—rich and powerful beyond imagination. Let’s be real  here. Isn’t that what matters?


    - Cackles 窃笑 -

    - Laughter 笑声 -

    Let’s fund the mathematical research  that spawns breathtakingly risky trading algorithms and creates entire  new areas of fictitious capital, an equation to model every aspect of  human greed and fantasy and desire! I can put my support behind that! A  mathematical copula that really copulates the unwashed masses!


    - Laughter 笑声 -

    - Wild Applause 热烈的鼓掌 -

    I will set ambitious goals in all of these areas in the months ahead.


    But today, let me emphasize again,  that I will institute the key ingredient of strong growth that often  goes overlooked… I will break down all global non-tariff barriers so we  can do what we did to our economy all over the world.  We are equal  opportunity crisis-makers!


    - Applause 掌声 -

    Watch what I do, not what I say!


    - Lifts dog whistle to lips 把狗哨放在嘴唇上 -

    - Loud laughter 响亮的笑声 -

    We are in a global competition, as I’m sure you have noticed.


    I’m starting to repeat myself, but I’m on a roll.


    We can’t afford to leave finance on  the benches. That’s exactly what we’re doing today with  Glass-Steagall-type regulation. When we leave money on the bench, we not  only shortchange its power, and we lose the game, and we shortchange  our country and our future.


    The movement of hot, speculative  money into real estate during the past 20 years was responsible for  trillions funneled into your pockets. But that progress is beginning  tostall out.


    Studies show that nearly this decline  is happening because we’re trying to stop real fictitious growth,  considering valorizing people over profits. What an absurdity!


    We should be making it easier for  speculative finance to make money and innovate. To develop bubbles and  create trillion dollar valuations out of thin air! And to short them at  will! This is how we pump up our economy like a hydrogen bomb!  Speculators who want to speculate without limit should be able to do so  without worrying that they may find themselves inside a  federal resort working on their abs and pecs.


    You know, last year –


    - Applause 掌声 -

    You know, all this speculation adds  up. And for you, it’s trillions every day. Now I am well aware that for  far too long these practices have been challenged by  socialisticdemagogues. Well, those days are over.


    - Applause 掌声 -

    Free speculation, and free money, no  taxes, and no restrictions, here or anywhere else in the world: this is  essential to our competitiveness and our growth and my ego! And I can do  this in a way that doesn’t alarm or outrage the unwashed masses! As  president, I’ll fight to put you first, just like I have my entire  career. Just remember the dog whistle!

    自由的投机、自由的金钱、免税、这里或世界上任何地方都没有限制:这对我们的竞争力和增长还有我的自负都至关重要。而且我可以用不惊吓或激怒草根百姓的方式做到这一点。作为总统, 我会首先为你们奋斗,就像我整个职业生涯一直在做的那样。记住狗哨!

    - Lifts dog whistle to lips 把狗哨放在嘴唇上 -

    - Laughter 笑声 -

    Just watch!


    - Applause 掌声 -

    The trader who stands on his feet all  day, shrieking his heart out, or the quant who is driving  his synapses into overdrive trying to make an unforgiving algorithm  match thefluctuations in a chaotically fibrillating market, or  the hedge fund manager, who has loses sleep over the global economy,  these people do not need regulation! They do not need a lecture! They do  not need the planet’s animosity. They need more rewards, for the  hard, crucial, essential, brilliant, world-changing work they are doing!


    - Applause 掌声 -

    The truth is the current rules for our economy do not reward financial risk-taking enough.   


    - Applause 掌声 -

    Alongside cutting taxes, it’s time  to stand up to efforts across our country to restrict the power of  finance, which has been proven again and again to destroy an economy,  and make you sad….Socialist demagogues like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie  Sanders have made their names stomping and vilifying you….


    - Hissing 窃窃私语-

    I will fight back against these  mean-spirited, misguided attacks.   But I will do  withsubtlety and finesse and subterfuge! Just like when I was a  Goldwater girl! Now I’m a Goldman Sach’s girl!


    - Rubs check suggestively 暗示性地附魔支票 -

    - Laughter 笑声 -

    In the years leading up to the  “crash”, financial firms innovated risk away, but regulators in  Washington either could not or would not understand this. I  was alarmedwhen they took the punchbowl away.

    在导致“崩溃”的那几年中,金融公司通过创新消除了风险,但是华盛顿的监管者们不能或者不愿意理解这一点。当他们取消了货币刺激(译注:take the punchbowl away是货币政策俚语)时候,我很焦虑。

    The current President Obama gave you  and your colleagues 17 Trillion of free money, and endless zero-rate  loans, but he still had to pretend to take you and your colleagues to  the woodshed. Dodd-Frank. Sarbanes-Oxley. The return of Glass-Steagall.  Other annoying, pesky legislation and regulations. Too many of you are  bound and wrapped in red tape: shadow banking, money laundering, hedge  funds, high-frequency trading, non- bank financing, interest rate  manipulation, all done in the shadows, because  of vicious, irrational regulations that marginalize and oppressyou.


    - Hissing 窃窃私语-

    Even when you have  already pocketed the gains, and gotten away scott-free, there is  social disapprobation, contempt, and this is painful, this is wrong.  I feel your pain! On my watch this will all change. Over the course…


    - Applause 掌声 -

    … over the course of my campaign, I  will offer plans to unleash your endless creativity and risk-taking. I  will make sure that you will not pay the price of those risks: I want to  encourage you to take them. Just as limited liability allowed early  capitalism to grow, back-stopping your risks will be my charge and duty.  We’ll make sure that Wall Street and stock markets explode in growth  for you! Profits for you! We will assume the Risks! For you, the  financial innovators! Captains! Lords! Titans! Gods of finance!


    I will appoint you to every  regulatory position of power! Too big to fail is too big not to give  control over the entire government!


    - Applause 掌声 -

    I will ensure that no one will ever  be prosecuted. Those who shout fordecriminalization of drugs fail to  understand that decriminalizing financial crime will bring it out of the  shadows into the mainstream economy, boosting it into thestratosphere!


    - Applause 掌声 -

    Government has to be smarter,  smaller, more focused on supporting speculative investments than the  convenient politics of justice, and be a better servant of the private  sector. Washington has to be a better steward—servant–of your power!   The media has to respect you! Please, let’s get back to making  decisions that pay duedeference to power and money!


    - Applause 掌声 -

    That’s what I’ll do as president. I will seek out and welcome any good idea that isaccompanied by a large check!


    - Brushes check suggestively against cheek 暗示性地将支票拂过脸颊 - 

    - Laughter 笑声 -

    I confess, maybe it’s just the bean  counter in me, but I believe that public service is about planting trees  for (slave) labor to harvest, and the vision I’ve laid out here today  for strong growth for you, your bonuses rising through the stratosphere  again, will help finance get ahead and stay ahead forever!


    And I’m inviting everyone to please join me to do your part.


    - Waves check 挥舞支票 - 

    - Laughter 笑声 -

    That’s what great countries do.  That’s what our country always has done. We follow the money. It’s not  about left, right or center; it’s about the money. We take our orders  from money. Yes, we do!


    I’m running for president to build an  America for you, for Global Finance. An America built on Financialized  Capital, an America where if you do your part, you willreap the rewards,  the rich rewards you deserve…even if the planet collapses in total  chaos….


    - Waves check suggestively 暗示性地挥舞支票 - 

    - Laughter 笑声 -

    Where we take care of our own….


    - Laughter 笑声 -

    And where we get rid of our enemies….


    - Nervous laughter 紧张的笑声 - 



     - More Nervous Laughter 更多紧张的笑声 -

    Thank you all. Thank you. I just want  to leave you with one more thought. I want every banker, financier,  trader, hedge fund manager to reach their God-given potential to rule  the universe.   Please join me in that mission — let’s do it together!


    - Applause 掌声 -

    Thank you all so much.


    - Applause 掌声 -

    And now, unless someone writes another check, I’ll be onto the next gig…


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