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送交者:  2019年08月14日03:18:16 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

President Trump delayed the new tariffs on a large batch of Chinese imports that were supposed to go into effect Sept. 1, and exempted some other Chinese imports altogether. The move deescalates Trump’s trade war with China, and amounts to a tacit acknowledgement by Trump that his tariffs might hurt American consumers too much.

Laptops, cellphones, gaming consoles, and other products imported from China won’t face a 10% tariff on Sept. 1, as expected. The Trump administration says the 10% tariffs on those products will go into effect on Dec. 15, instead. But the delay reveals an unwillingness by Trump to raise the cost of products many Americans find essential, suggesting he’s bluffing about ever imposing such a tariff.

The 10% tariff will still land Sept. 1 on other consumer imports from China, including some clothing, footwear, and toys. U.S. importers can apply for tariff exemptions. Another group of Chinese imports will be exempt, supposedly for national-security reasons. Research firm Sandhill Strategy estimates that the list of imports getting a tariff reprieve totals about $155 billion worth of imports per year. That would leave about $145 billion worth of goods subject to the new 10% tariff.

  你这个账号真是被盗了,刘公公电话在先好不好  /无内容 - sadsad 08/14/19 (77)
  拿瓦罗在白宫的日子屈指可数了。  /无内容 - kman 08/14/19 (99)
    博尔顿也命不久矣  /无内容 - ddl 08/14/19 (89)
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