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Costco CEO 一年的收入是中间收入员工的191 倍。资本家该不该斗?
送交者:  2018年12月19日00:46:03 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Salary: 80万, 红包:9万7,630 万股票,10.7万 pension,三险,公车私用 等

Costco's CEO makes 191 times more than its median employee 

Costco Wholesale Corp. CEO Craig Jelinek made 191 times more than the Issaquah-based company's median employee, according to a proxy disclosure filed Monday.

It's the first time Costco has disclosed its pay gap since it became required under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

Jelinek's compensation in the year prior to June 29, 2018 included an $800,000 salary, a $97,000 bonus, nearly $6.3 million in stock awards, a $107,000 change in pension value and $107,000 in other compensation including retirement contributions, life insurance and use of a company car.

Costco's median employee – including full-time, part-time, seasonal and temporary employees – made $38,810 in the same period. Jelinek makes 150 times than the median full-time employee, which made $49,288 in 2018.

Costco's ratio is larger than Nordstrom's (187 to 1) and Alaska Airlines' (115.5 to 1). View the gallery to see how Costco's pay gap stacks up compared to other Seattle-area public companies that have disclosed the ratio between CEO and median employee pay.

Costco has 239,300 employees, including 156,900 in the United States.

Here are compensation increases for Costco's highest-paid executives:

  • Chief Financial      Officer Richard Galanti: Nearly $4.3 million, up      from around $4 million in 2017.

  • Eastern and Canadian      Division Chief Operating Officer Joseph Portera: $4.1 million, up from      more than $3.8 million in 2017.

  • Chief Information      Officer Paul Moulton: More than $4 million, up      from nearly $3.8 million in 3017.

International Division Chief Operating Officer James Murphy: Nearly $4 million, up from around $3.7 million in 2017.

  我以前公司的头比他多几倍,也是上市公司。正常的  /无内容 - 老弄堂 12/19/18 (344)
  这几年来越来越多的中产阶级滑向贫困阶层。  /无内容 - 路人申 12/19/18 (368)
    确实是,比他高的太多了,关键还不是收入 - 涡轮 12/19/18 (521)
      这个和国企高层的腐败,机制是完全一样的  /无内容 - 涡轮 12/19/18 (396)
  这事得问股东们,花的是他们的钱。  /无内容 - kabir 12/19/18 (419)
    就这话题也能抬起来,服了你们了!  /无内容 - 晔阳 12/19/18 (368)
    这个是董事会决定的,和股东没关系  /无内容 - 涡轮 12/19/18 (352)
      董事会跟股东真没关系么? - kabir 12/19/18 (411)
        事实是换那个CEO,都是高的吓人的收入,股民怎么决定? - 涡轮 12/19/18 (377)
        关系就和国企和国民差不多,你懂的  /无内容 - 涡轮 12/19/18 (369)
          不懂。国民无法用脚投票国企。  /无内容 - kabir 12/19/18 (384)
            股民也没选择,那个大公司不这样?  /无内容 - 涡轮 12/19/18 (358)
              股民可以抛售股票,从此再无关系。国民呢?  /无内容 - kabir 12/19/18 (383)
                你抛售了去投资啥?银行利息基本是0  /无内容 - 涡轮 12/19/18 (365)
                  整个股市就一家公司呀?天下就一家股市呀?  /无内容 - kabir 12/19/18 (385)
                    你敢都放风投里吗?事实就是没有选择  /无内容 - 涡轮 12/19/18 (372)
                      你的前提有问题 - kabir 12/19/18 (411)
                        董事会就是我们的人代会,股民没啥直接权力  /无内容 - 涡轮 12/19/18 (406)
                          在你那个有问题的前提里,当然。  /无内容 - kabir 12/19/18 (403)
                            那是你的看法,而不是事实,你不是蠢就是天真  /无内容 - 涡轮 12/19/18 (398)
                              你是太自负了,自以为了解股市里数千家企业。  /无内容 - kabir 12/19/18 (410)
                                你说话从来是做梦一样  /无内容 - 涡轮 12/19/18 (393)
    工资受限,国企的CEO们 是不是得贪一点啊?  /无内容 - 晔阳 12/19/18 (362)
      工资受限也就是做个样子,骗骗吃瓜群众罢了。  /无内容 - kabir 12/19/18 (376)
      把国企私有化后就可以开始弄了。  /无内容 - 路人申 12/19/18 (337)
    LOL 你有点像80年代刚被新自由主义经济学洗脑的新人。  /无内容 - 路人申 12/19/18 (356)
      你就这么说不出道理来,只会扣帽子。能把你难成这样也是稀奇。  /无内容 - kabir 12/19/18 (367)
          呵呵,不是扣帽子就是搪塞。算了,你也说不出个所以然。  /无内容 - kabir 12/19/18 (377)
            新自由注意经济学的确在西方已经慢慢下线了。 - 上海1228 12/19/18 (404)
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