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Canadians boycott US products, cancel US vacations
送交者:  2018年06月14日22:13:00 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话

Canadians boycott US products, cancel vacations to America

Blame America.

Canadians have taken to practicing pocketbook diplomacy in defense of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who is caught in a trade war of words with President Trump, by boycotting American goods and canceling vacations to the United States, according to a report.

Shoppers are shunning Kentucky bourbon, California wine and Florida oranges, and avoiding American companies like Starbucks, Walmart and McDonald’s, Canadian network CTV News reported on Wednesday.

On Twitter, hashtags like #BuyCanadian, #BoycottUSProducts and #BoycottUSA are spreading as outrage over Trump’s trade tariffs grows.

An Ottawa man posted a “Trump-free grocery cart”full of products from Canada or from “countries with strong leadership.”

Vacationers said they would be staying up north this summer instead of booking trips to the US.

“F–k you Trump. We just booked a $3,000 vacation to beautiful British Columbia. Happy anniversary to us. #Canadastrong #BuyCanadian #F***Tariffs,” tweeted Supreme Leader Lyna.

And one Twitter user called on “Patriotic Americans” to schedule vacations in Canada and increase their purchases of Canadian goods.

Trudeau acknowledged the support of individual Canadians during an event at Parliament earlier this week.

“There’s a bit of a patriotic boost going on these past few days,” he said.

Trump and Trudeau are locked in a tiff over tariffs after the president last week said he would impose penalties on steel and aluminum imports.

The squabble escalated over the weekend at the G7 meeting of economic powers in Quebec when Trudeau said in a news conference that Canada would not be “pushed around” by the US and called the tariffs “insulting.”

Trump heard the remarks as he flew in Air Force One to his summit in Singapore with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and withdrew from a statement issued by the G7 on trade.

He also blasted Trudeau in a tweet, calling him “very dishonest & weak.”

    这世界上大部分国家都反华 - 保鲁斯 06/15/18 (488)
      上面应该是指特别反华的。  /无内容 - shanghai1228 06/15/18 (387)
    头头们都不在乎,萨德不是装得好好的么,中韩继续友好么  /无内容 - sadsad 06/14/18 (403)
    普丁說的"Nouveau riche",就是我們說的"暴發戶 - 诛文丑 06/14/18 (414)
    为这些国人是反华的,至少国家和他们没什么关系。  /无内容 - shanghai1228 06/14/18 (485)
      和晋商助满清灭明,没有啥不同,中国历史到处都是  /无内容 - 涡轮 06/14/18 (437)
        资本家是没有祖国的,阿里巴巴为了逃税都注册在太平洋小岛上。  /无内容 - shanghai1228 06/14/18 (425)
          国家本身只是一个安全保障的概念。一个不安全的祖国留不住人和钱  /无内容 - kabir 06/15/18 (434)
            简单说就是有的人有奶便是娘  /无内容 - shanghai1228 06/15/18 (391)
              反过来就是希望有人牺牲自己的利益  /无内容 - kabir 06/15/18 (405)
              汉奸的基础理论  /无内容 - shanghai1228 06/15/18 (423)
                你不妨问问自己:你愿意把你的资产放在不安全的国家?  /无内容 - kabir 06/15/18 (397)
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