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土鸡放软身架了--Turkish president 'saddened' by downing
送交者:  2015年11月28日21:15:56 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话


Turkish president 'saddened' by downing of Russian jet

Istanbul (AFP) - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday expressed "sadness" over Turkey's downing of a Russian warplane that has severely strained relations, saying he wished the incident had never happened.

In his most conciliatory comments yet after Tuesday's incident, Erdogan said: "I'm really saddened by the incident. We wish it had never happened, but it happened. I hope something like this doesn't happen again.

"We hope that the issue between us and Russia does not escalate any further, become corrosive and have dire consequences in the future," Erdogan told supporters in western Balikesir province.

Erdogan also renewed a call to Russian President Vladimir Putin for a face-to-face meeting in Paris on the sidelines of the Global Climate Summit on Monday, saying it would be an opportunity to restore relations.

"What we tell Russia is 'Let's resolve this issue between ourselves and within its boundaries. Let's not make others happy by destroying our whole relationship," Erdogan said.

"Russia is important for Turkey as much as Turkey is important for Russia. Both countries cannot afford to give up on each other."

Putin, who has branded the incident a "stab in the back", is yet to agree to talks.

The plane incident, one of the most serious clashes between a NATO member and Russia, has drawn a harsh response from Moscow.

Russia announced it was halting a visa-free regime for Turkish visitors, after threatening a raft of retaliatory economic measures to punish the NATO member state.

Earlier Saturday, Turkish foreign ministry warned its citizens off non-urgent and unnecessary travel to Russia.

Turkey says the Su-24 warplane strayed into its airspace and ignored repeated warnings, but Russia has insisted it did not cross the border from Syria and demanded an apology.

  北约国家对土鸡行为的看法恐怕也是分歧的 - good sniper 11/28/15 (741)
    speaking of distorting history - rca 11/29/15 (458)
      I mean "withdraw"  /无内容 - rca 11/29/15 (454)
    如果是普京,就不会那样直接对抗美国  /无内容 - bookmarks 11/29/15 (452)
    赫氏的力不够肯氏大,当然得退;换普氏也是一样。  /无内容 - foc 11/28/15 (455)
      你还瞎操这心?普京比这军坛任何人都牛,你信不?  /无内容 - helmsman 11/28/15 (490)
        我信,但历史发展是不以人的意志为转移的。你信不?  /无内容 - foc 11/28/15 (461)
  后面的读者评论一致痛骂土鸡二货  /无内容 - helmsman 11/28/15 (589)
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