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Pot bellies embody China rigidity

November 14, 2012 2:20 pm

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By Jamil Anderlini in Beijing

In a tranquil lake in the centre of Beijing’s ancient Summer Palace floats a pleasure boat made entirely of marble that remains the most potent symbol of corruption and decay in the last imperial Chinese dynasty.

The Qing empire was overthrown after 267 years in power by a republican revolution in 1911 three years after the death of Cixi, the empress dowager who diverted money earmarked for the navy to pay for her marble boat.

The Communist Party of China will unveil its latest crop of leaders on Thursday and they will reign for the next decade under a governing structure that remains strikingly similar to the Leninist model it imported from the Soviet Union more than 60 years ago.

At this time of transition, many in China are inevitably searching for – and finding signs of – dynastic decay in the rigid rule of the party.

The modern equivalent of the marble boat can be seen in the walled communities of opulent villas on Beijing’s outskirts where the extraordinarily wealthy generals of the People’s Liberation Army and their families park their Bentleys and count their fortunes.

Some western diplomats estimate that as much as 40 per cent of China’s military budget is siphoned off through corruption.

As a phalanx of senior PLA officers ascended the steps of the Great Hall of the People in Tiananmen Square this week, many of them sported generous pot bellies, leading one party member to comment wryly to the Financial Times that nothing displays structural weakness like overweight generals.

David Shambaugh is an expert on China’s political system at George Washington University and has written extensively about the Communist party’s uncanny ability to adapt to meet the needs of its citizens.

But he now argues the party has begun to ossify and is starting to show classic signs of dynastic decline.

These signs include a hollow state ideology in which nobody believes, cronyism, public apathy towards politics, an assertive military not fully under the control of civilian leaders, rampant corruption, capital flight, a rise in social vice and factionalism at the top of the system.

“The concubines in the inner court always fight each other more when the emperor can’t assert his authority,” he says, in a reference to the relative weakness of modern presidents compared with the power that was concentrated in the hands of past leaders such as Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping.

Anyone listening to the turgid speeches on “socialism with Chinese characteristics” at the party congress this week would have to agree that the party’s ideology has devolved into contortions of logic that mean nothing to most of the Chinese people.

Revelations of enormous wealth held by some party leaders in western media this year provide a glimpse of how deeply and corrosively corrupt the party has become.

But perhaps the most telling fact is the enthusiasm among upper-class Chinese for procuring foreign passports, property and bank accounts and how willing they seem to be to get out of a system that has benefited them so well.

The fact that incoming president Xi Jinping, like many of his contemporaries, has sent his daughter to the US (to Harvard) to study is just one more powerful symbol of elite uncertainty and mistrust of the system.

Andrew Nathan, an expert in Chinese politics at Columbia University and co-author of China’s New Rulers, points out that the party itself seems to find the political system indefensible.

He says that instead of acknowledging the top-down authoritarian reality, the party pretends it is democratic, calling itself a “socialist democracy”, “people’s democracy” or “democracy with Chinese characteristics”.

The other tactic is to admit that the system needs changing but insist that the party is improving it and making it more representative through a slow and careful process necessary to avoid chaos.

Often, the party makes these two arguments in the same breath, insisting that the system is already the best possible one for China but that the party will make it even “more perfect”.

Yet, predicting the end of a Chinese dynasty is very difficult.

After his diplomatic mission to the court of the Qing emperor Qianlong in 1793, British ambassador George Macartney described the Chinese empire as “an old, crazy, first-rate man-of-war” that would, in the not-too-distant future, “be dashed to pieces on the shore.”


    毛将军,为了党国的利益,该减肥啦,哈  /无内容 - 父皇 11/15/12 (535)
      你要厚道,除了吃和把爷爷挂嘴上,他还有什么乐趣?  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/15/12 (534)
        太影响他爷爷和共军的形象,得有人和他说一下最好  /无内容 - 父皇 11/15/12 (543)
          不知道你们为什么跟一个得过病留下疾的人过不去?什么心理?  /无内容 - 老张三 11/15/12 (530)
            共和国主席重病时,大官家仍然对他过不去,什么心理?  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/15/12 (534)
            我很小的时候我爷爷奶奶就告诫我,不要笑话别人残疾,说不定你自 - 老张三 11/15/12 (636)
              他有什么残疾?你把资料贴出来给网友长长知识。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/15/12 (513)
                凭什么?背后议论人的长相如何如何,小人也。  /无内容 - 老张三 11/15/12 (510)
                  国际互联网,最公开的场合,什么背后不背后?  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/15/12 (504)
                    毛妻离子亡,唯一的孙也留到互联网上为自己还些债,伟人得到了啥  /无内容 - 巴蒂斯图塔 11/15/12 (558)
                      跟蒋的子孙不能比。有没有报应真不敢说  /无内容 - 太阳黑子 11/15/12 (560)
                        这不是报应,自古以来坏人吃香喝辣子孙满堂 - 老张 11/15/12 (574)
                          形式逻辑问题 - 老张 11/15/12 (562)
                            你原帖有说这些吗?说得不对,加贴来东拉西扯,很无聊。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/15/12 (540)
                              是你不懂,给你打个比方帮助你理解. - 老张 11/15/12 (543)
                                你懂什么?你居然不知道有遗传性残疾。 - 黑木崖 11/16/12 (573)
                                  作为斑竹你得知道自重. - 老张 11/16/12 (555)
                                    你一错再错,还什么残疾后代健康等等?很无耻。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/16/12 (590)
                          形式逻辑问题 - 老张 11/15/12 (573)
                            没有遗传性残疾吗,遗传性耳聋健康吗?  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/15/12 (565)
                              哈哈,被你抓住破绽了:)  /无内容 - 老张 11/15/12 (538)
                                你说话本来就是破绽百出,随便指出一点而已。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/16/12 (538)
                                  伤残瘸子的后代与遗传性耳聋有什么必然联系? - 老张 11/16/12 (575)
                                    残疾人后代都健康吗?你不但无聊,还很无耻,  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/16/12 (553)
                          请问您是谁的后代呢?  /无内容 - 赤松子5 11/15/12 (520)
                            做人要厚道! - 老张 11/15/12 (551)
                              你就这点伎俩,整天用如果来满足你的幻想。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/16/12 (500)
                            既然老天是公平的,您们也不必恨毛了,不是吗?  /无内容 - 巴蒂斯图塔 11/15/12 (490)
                          全世界几十亿人,吃香喝辣子孙满堂的都是坏人吗?  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/15/12 (534)
                        话说观世音本是男的,化身女身让人糟蹋,只为拯救感化世人。报应  /无内容 - 巴蒂斯图塔 11/15/12 (513)
              TG养得起一位立国的后代。人家并没有在政坛,军界,商圈,学术 - 老粗 11/15/12 (597)
                养不养是CCP的事,评不评是网友的事。  /无内容 - hmy 11/15/12 (515)
                  得饶人处且饶人。呵呵。  /无内容 - 老粗 11/15/12 (489)
                    其实,少将不在乎网友的看法,大家也是随便说说,没影响力。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/15/12 (518)
                      公众人物嘛,怎么能没有评论呢?要么就保持极度低调。。。  /无内容 - 赤松子5 11/15/12 (514)
                        少将应该不知道什么是低调。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/15/12 (511)
          毛少将凡事看得开,反道是刘源上将肯定气坏了  /无内容 - helmsman 11/15/12 (529)
            看得开的人,会把爷爷天天挂嘴上? - 黑木崖 11/15/12 (563)
              你们看着毛少将愚,说明你们看不到人家的大智 - 老张 11/15/12 (555)
                若有无数可能,当然也包括把共和国主席送去见阎王。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/15/12 (501)
                  看来阁下是"黑五类"后人,有些事还是不能释怀哈...  /无内容 - 老张 11/15/12 (504)
                    被打倒的共和国主席后代,给原大官家后代授衔,老天很公平。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/15/12 (508)
              还是版主说的是。。。  /无内容 - 赤松子5 11/15/12 (480)
          二个形象就放条活路,让他有点人生乐趣。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 11/15/12 (483)
          毛少在18大。。。 - 父皇 11/15/12 (849)
            毛少这角度,颇有张军长的范儿。。。 - 父皇 11/15/12 (614)
              其实毛孙给个什么高级研究员,爱整啥整啥,比穿军装晃体面。  /无内容 - eastwest 11/15/12 (489)
                他不穿军装怎么能抗得住公知的毒舌,军内有军纪压着,环境好些。  /无内容 - 老粗 11/15/12 (484)
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