At least, I will give him |
送交者: rca 2017月02月08日02:55:27 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 被福克斯主播问普京是杀手 特朗普:我们美国就真清白吗? 由 赤松子5 于 2017-02-06 18:42:02 |
the credit to speak out the blunt truth to the face of that arrogant Bill O'Reily and to which most Americans like to shut their ears and consequently their deluded sense of self righteousness. Likewise, I would also like to applaud O'Reily's courage to put forthrightly to Trump the open secret that Ford Motor (like same circumstances for many other companies) are under duress(principally coming from Trump himself) when making decision on shutting down plan to build assembly lines in Mexico. Where is our supposedly constitutional right of freedom from deliberate state coercion? |
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