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GPS asset tracking
送交者: spiro 2016月04月01日00:14:29 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 他理解错了,GPS active tracking不是上传到 jupiter 于 2016-03-31 23:45:19

GPS asset tracking[edit]

Assets may also be tracked globally using devices which combine the GPS system and mobile phone and/or satellite phone technology. Such devices are known as GPS asset trackers and are different from other GPS tracking units in that they rely on an internal battery for power rather than being hard-wired to a vehicle's battery. The frequency with which the position of the device must be known or available dictates the quality, size or type of GPS asset tracker required. It is common for asset tracking devices to fail due to Faraday cage effects as a huge proportion of the worlds assets are moved via intermodal containers. However modern tracking technology has now seen advances in signal transmission that allows enough signal strength to reach the GPS satellite system which can then be reported via GPRS to terrestrial networks.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asset_trackinghttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asset_tracking


  我在下面给出的置疑 - pacificsalmon 04/01/16 (594)
      非也。我已经说过了,这个tracking功能和驭风所说的 - pacificsalmon 04/01/16 (649)
        呵呵。。。  /无内容 - spiro 04/01/16 (597)
          你别“呵呵”啊。你置疑别人,总得给出让人信服的证据吧。 - pacificsalmon 04/01/16 (581)
            楼下的讨论是针对GPS接受机有没有有源的并且这么小的东西能发 - spiro 04/01/16 (622)
              楼下驭风的帖子里显然是在讨论有源定位和无源定位, - pacificsalmon 04/01/16 (577)
                我说的一直是有源的GPS asset tracking, 我 - spiro 04/01/16 (626)
                  人说的是定位,你说的是定位后怎么把位置告诉别人,两码事儿  /无内容 - 生人 04/01/16 (578)
                    Not really. - spiro 04/01/16 (581)
                      你这就是狡辩了。无人车辆对外广播本身位置,和GPS有关吗?  /无内容 - pacificsalmon 04/01/16 (550)
                        呵呵,打住吧,没必要循环下去了。  /无内容 - spiro 04/01/16 (522)
                          再多说你也是接着狡辩而已,losing even more - pacificsalmon 04/01/16 (584)
                            说老实话吧,我没点明之前你知道ACTIVE TRACKING - spiro 04/02/16 (593)
              定义很重要,照你这么说我可以说所有GPS接收机都是"有源的" - 超级大懒猫 04/01/16 (565)
                我认为他们说的有源无源是指active VS passive - spiro 04/01/16 (656)
                  定位和跟踪严格来讲是两个不同概念 - 超级大懒猫 04/01/16 (636)
                  或者用手机网络tracking的也算有源?只要某个终端能 - pacificsalmon 04/01/16 (650)
                  照这么说,带active antenna的终端也得算有源了? - pacificsalmon 04/01/16 (572)
            如是非专业的或非业内人士对网络资料的翻译与理解之间的不同, - 老哥 04/01/16 (638)
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