speaking of distorting history |
送交者: rca 2015月11月29日21:08:53 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 真是奇怪,赫鲁晓夫怎么就被肯尼迪吓退了。如果肯尼迪碰上 由 大漠狼烟 于 2015-11-28 22:45:21 |
the version of Cuban missile crisis you cited is what the US government wants you to understand. Reality is very different. Let me give you a simplified version: Followings are in chronological order 1. US deployed nuclear tipped missiles in Turkey, Russian protested but US ignored 2. Russian deployed nuclear tipped missiles in Cuban, 3. secrete negotiation ensued 4. By agreement Russian retreated its missiles from Cuba in return US redraw its nuclear missiles from Turkey. 5. US declared victory to its people by claiming that it had forced to Russian to retreat from Cuba. |
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