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For most people, whether there
送交者: conscience of cn 2015月08月14日22:29:38 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 越无知的,越不知道自己的无知,越认为自己知道。 醒狮 于 2015-08-14 16:30:04
is 'God', '佛陀 ', 'Allah', 'Heaven', ..., we can leave it open at this time.  The rest of your remarks are quite logical, we can call it 'common sense'. 

However, not everyone can have common sense, that's the problem for us human.  What we consider the common sense today, hundreds of years ago would be deemed as superstitions, or be categorized as taboos.  Many brave thinkers were teased, scorned, threatened, or even put to death by authorities or communities in the name of 'wizardry', or 'crime'.  Today we know that their only 'crime' was they knew something that most of the other people didn't understand.  Many people at that time dared not to speak out, even though they knew it was true and would be deemed as the 'common sense' by the human society hundreds years later.  That's part of the sad human history.

Human hasn't changed much today.  It's still the same phenomenon.  A thinker ahead of his time will again be teased, scorned, threatened, or 'virtually crucified in cyberspace' nowadays.  Just look at these people's responses in this forum all along.  you see any difference?  No!  Many of the people in this forum are supposed to be well or more educated.  But you can hardly find they are much different from other less well-educated, or 'more common' people.  That's sad.  There is limitation what the education can change a person.  Education can increase a person's knowledge to a certain extent, mostly in his/her professional areas, but education cannot change a person's nature, especially the human nature!  Sometimes I have to worry about our China.  If many of these better educated people here is the Chinese society's norm, then I am afraid China still has a long, painful way to go to really excel in the world!

I think you are right.  But for the rest of your life, you'll have to pay a heavy price for your being right!  I'd still recommend that you should never give up what you believe is right.  The world needs real trailblazers.  We Chinese is somewhat deficient of this kind of really brave pioneers!  We had some, but not enough.  I hope more people here can be more open-minded.  Learn what you don't know and think.  Think really hard!  There is no end of learning in our whole life!
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