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should have study harder
送交者: rca 2015月02月07日03:35:37 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 你还是不明白,在美国行政权和法律不是一回事 太阳黑子 于 2015-02-07 02:23:47

at school.

First, you do realize that legislature is a part of the government federal or state, right? Secondly, it is true that president cannot appoint or dismiss, during normal circumstances, governor of a state. Pay attention to the word normal. However, avoid Federal Preemption of State Laws and Policies by the federal government is a mere guideline, not a legal confine.  At the same time, governors of states also recognize the need for federal intervention should states fail to act collectively on issues of legitimate concern. Preemption of state laws, however, should be the exception rather than the rule. But, nothing prohibits federal government from interference of or even superseding the authority of state government. Case in point, during civil war, Lincoln had dismissed governors from “states rebellious against the federal government”. Last but not the least, state has no authority to act likewise to the federal government.

  这半生不熟的英语看着真费劲。 - 方块 02/07/15 (523)
    其实他的英文不算差,但可能从英文报纸学的, - 太阳黑子 02/07/15 (515)
      英语是很不错,但是一看就是英语非母语的人写的。  /无内容 - 方块 02/07/15 (493)
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