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地球上迄今外星人证据没有真的? Do you know
送交者: logic. 2014月02月07日23:55:57 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 逻辑上应这么说:地球上迄今外星人证据没有真的,其余是假的或未 shanghai1228 于 2014-02-07 22:00:08

what Nephilim is all about?  If you don't, please do a research on it.  Enter nephilim on Google, you'll find many research articles, videos on this mysterious subject.  If you do, then try to dispute the newest findings I posted yesterday (the newest findings were just published on 2/5/14) -




You're a professional in the medical field, considered as a scientist.  So try to remember to remain very open-minded when you research on this mysterious but perplexing subject, just like you do research in your own professional field.

Or, you believe human is so unique and technologically so advanced in our vast universe, which has HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF PLANETS similar to what our Earth is (talk to any scientist working in the physics, astronomy, and aerospace fields), maybe you want to dispute the following fact? -

Black Knight, the Alien Mystery - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kug80Vvizc4

13000 YEAR OLD SATELLITE, THE FULL STORY OF THE BLACK KNIGHT UFO, 2013 HD- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lT4Vq32zlDs

No matter what it is, it's not human made.  So who had that much-more-advanced technology than what human could do at such a long time ago?

In the eyes of much more advanced "aliens", we human are just like a bunch of very ignorant but arrogant ants!  We might be just living in a transparent "biosphere" that various and all aliens can always stop by at their pleasure to check the status and progress of their biological experiment!  Yea, we human can always proclaim we are the master of the universe, just like a guinea pig can proudly do!

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