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Gene Cernan 说他看到了,而且他解释了
送交者: 生人 2013月12月18日21:49:36 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 照片很难照出来。眼睛当然看得见。难道都没看过李太白吗! 落后份子 于 2013-12-18 21:27:36
Gene Cernan stated into the mission debrief: "It was also generally true that, when you were on the surface in the LM's shadow, there were too many bright things in your field-of-view for the stars to be visible. But I remember that I wanted to see whether I could see stars, and there were times out on the surface when I found that, if you allowed yourself to just focus and maybe even just shielded your eyes to some degree, even outside the LM shadow you could see stars in the sky. And, quite frankly, under the right conditions here on Earth on a bright sunlit day, you can do the same thing. I could see stars through my helmet visor; not easily, but it can be done."
    这就是你的自由发挥了  /无内容 - 生人 12/19/13 (464)
      你也可以自由发挥,无论他这么说都圆不了俺士朗说没有见到星星。  /无内容 - eachus 12/19/13 (494)
        "没见到"和"见不到"是两回事  /无内容 - 超级大懒猫 12/19/13 (462)
    实际上很有意思,因为他说得不对  /无内容 - 落后份子 12/18/13 (485)
      你摊开来说说有什么不对的?  /无内容 - 生人 12/19/13 (443)
    按当时的背景和JFK的态度,不管真假登上再说  /无内容 - 落后份子 12/18/13 (454)
  解释得画蛇添足  /无内容 - 落后份子 12/18/13 (451)
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