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ICBMs target fixed locations.
送交者: logic. 2013月12月10日07:50:08 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 这话理论上是对,但现代洲际导弹精度都有几十米,也没减速,说明 曲轴 于 2013-12-10 07:05:56

They use inertial plus GPS/BD locating, not radar targeting, for the endgame.  But DF21D is aimed for mobile targets,  radar/IR targeting at the end  is necessary.  Radar/IR targeting cannot function properly above very high temperatures, and these temperatures are essentially determined by the Mach numbers, nosecone shapes, materials, shielding, cooling, etc. ... of the warheads.  Reducing speed somewhat is a simple way to alleviate this temperature problem.  Of course, you don't want the speed reduced too low.

If the warhead releases thousands of tungsten-steel pellets raining down toward target, then the speed needs to be kept at a level that those pellets maintain high enough momentum which is derived from the high velocity, but are still hard enough without being burnt off or melt soft.  These two boundary conditions determines the lower and upper limit of the desirable terminal speed of the warhead.  This speed range is lower than the warhead re-entry speed.

  有反馈时慢速和固定是一回事  /无内容 - 曲轴 12/10/13 (463)
  对目标区,实施饱和攻击,温压弹头,无需末端制导。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 12/10/13 (493)
    海洋环境,温压弹没啥效果,哪怕直接命中,天气不好也没用  /无内容 - 无为 12/10/13 (492)
      中国的试验不说,美军的试验,近距离爆炸,直接摧毁一艘军舰。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 12/10/13 (490)
          风大时,航母的飞机也不会起飞作战,中国可以等。  /无内容 - 黑木崖 12/10/13 (522)
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