 · 九阳全新免清洗型豆浆机 全美最低
送交者: 父皇 2013月10月25日20:55:27 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 从技术上分析,这个交易是一举多得的一个方面 父皇 于 2013-10-25 20:38:51

Iran's solid propellant tactical ballistic and guided missile program has been around for many years because of the Iran Iraq war, but has more recently benefited from some Russian and a great deal of Chinese assistance. This technology transfer has allowed Iran to develop a new indigenous solid propellant rocket industry located 175 km east of Tehran within the Sanam, based Industrial Group, department 140 and it predecessor organizations. This is one of the major industrial groups in charge of the Solid propellant ballistic missile programs. 

The Washington Times, documented China's contribution to the Iranian solid propellant rocket program on June 17, 1997 with the following basic information. The NP-110 short-range, 450 mm, diameter solid propellant missile has a stated range of 105 miles or 168.95 kilometers. The report says China supplied X-ray equipment, which is used to check the solid propellant casting to make sure it is cured correctly, as well as other required solid propellant production capability. (1)

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