首页 上一页 页1/3 下一页 末页 choming (请抵制“十万强插”计划!) 发于 Thu Mar 21 11:59:59 2013, 美东, 信区: USANews 标 题: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问题 (转载) 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】 发信人: TravisBickle (Travis), 信区: Military 标 题: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视 黑人的问题 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 21 11:03:53 2013, 美东) Black, female, and a Silicon Valley 'trade secret' By Julianne Pepitone How diverse is Silicon Valley? Most tech companies really, really don't want you to know, and the U.S. government isn't helping shed any light on the issue. In an investigation that began in August 2011, CNNMoney probed 20 of the most influential U.S. technology companies, the Department of Labor, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, filing two Freedom of Information Act requests for workforce diversity data. See the five companies' diversity data A year and a half, a pile of paperwork, and dozens of interviews later, we have a little more insight -- but not much. Most of the companies stonewalled us, but the data we were able to get showed what one might expect: Ethnic minorities and women are generally underrepresented, sometimes severely so -- particularly in management roles. White and Asian males Our investigation demonstrated how difficult -- and sometimes impossible -- gaining any insight into Silicon Valley's employee diversity can be. It shows a general lack of transparency in an industry known for its openness. First attempt: In 2011, as part of CNN's Black in America series, CNNMoney reached out to 20 tech companies: the industry's 10 largest firms by annual sales and 10 smaller but prominent companies. We asked each for information about the race and Only Dell (DELL, Fortune 500), Ingram Micro (IM, Fortune 500) and Intel ( INTC, Fortune 500) played ball. Intel, in stark contrast to the rest of the tech industry, actually makes its employment diversity information public on its website. "Intel believes that transparency with our data is the best way to have a genuine dialogue," Intel chief diversity officer Rosalind Hudnell told CNNMoney last week. "We are tech companies and data drives our business; we need to get beyond our fears that the numbers are a poor reflection on our individual organizations and work together to address the issue collectively . " The other 17 companies refused to turn over their data. Having made little headway by asking the companies ourselves, the only way to compel them to release the data was through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Every U.S. company with more than 100 employees is required to fork over an annual report to the government, called the EEO-1, that categorizes U.S. workers by their race and sex. An independent federal agency called the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) collects the data, using it to play watchdog: It keeps a close eye on companies' hiring practices and occasionally assists in investigations. We sent the EEOC a FOIA request on Aug. 18, 2011, and three weeks later it was denied. The EEOC said it is legally prohibited from releasing EEO-1 reports. Read CNNMoney's FOIA requests and the government's responses Second attempt: After consulting with experts and CNN's legal team, we learned the Department of Labor has access to EEOC data for some companies - - and unlike the EEOC, no federal statute bars the DOL from releasing the reports. We re-filed the FOIA request to the Department of Labor on Nov. 1, 2011. It took more than a year for that request to be processed. On Dec. 7, 2012, we finally received the data, but for only five companies: Cisco (CSCO, Fortune 500), Dell, eBay (EBAY, Fortune 500), Ingram Micro and Intel. What happened to the other 15 companies' information is complicated. The Labor Department has no authority to release EEO-1 reports for companies that aren't federal contractors. That knocked out 10 companies: Amazon ( AMZN, Fortune 500), Facebook, Groupon (GRPN), Hulu, LinkedIn (LNKD), LivingSocial, Netflix (NFLX), Twitter, Yelp (YELP) and Zynga (ZNGA). But even contractors may block the release of their data. Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500), Google (GOOG, Fortune 500), Hewlett-Packard (HPQ, Fortune 500) , IBM (IBM, Fortune 500) and Microsoft (MSFT, Fortune 500) all submitted written objections, successfully petitioning the Department of Labor for their data to be excluded on the basis that doing so would cause " competitive harm." Those five companies declined or ignored CNNMoney's requests for comment on their unwillingness to turn over their data. The information gap: "It's absolutely preposterous," said John Sims, a FOIA expert and law professor at the University of the Pacific. "Knowing how many white male sales workers a company has is a trade secret? Absurd." Sims questioned why five companies consider these reports trade secrets, while the other five allowed them to be released. The data show diversity in Silicon Valley remains a serious issue. Some companies cite a "pipeline problem," saying too few minorities and women are graduating with technical degrees. Others argue that people tend to hire people like themselves, and in tech, that's largely white and Asian males. But the biggest obstacle, according to industry experts, is that few are talking about the "This data is a just a baseline for discussion, but we can't end the problem if we can't start the conversation," said Aditi Mohapatra, associate tech sector director at BSR, a consulting group that works with companies on social and sustainability issues. "For the tech industry to remain silent about diversity is so not aligned with what they The Department of Labor said it does sometimes go back to companies and demand In "rare" situations, the DOL said, this can escalate into lawsuits between the government and the companies. But lawsuits and appeals take time and money, and there's no guarantee of data waiting at the end of the road. Mike Swift, a reporter with the San Jose Mercury News, began probing the topic in 2008 by sending similar FOIA requests for data from the region's 15 largest employers. His inquiry sparked a two-year legal battle, resulting in access to data from just one company -- HP -- that had opposed its release. The Black Economic Council and the National Asian American Coalition have also attempted to uncover diversity data at major companies, but most of those requests have turned up little information. "Companies are happy to hide behind a law that provides so little access to this data," said Sims, the law professor. "Tech is the most vibrant sector of the American economy, and rather than trying to fix problems, they want to keep secrets." To top of http://money.cnn.com/2013/03/17/technology/diversity-silicon-va pgxj (苹果香蕉) 发于 Thu Mar 21 12:10:10 2013, 美东, 信区: USANews 标 题: Re: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问题 (转载) 终于来了,真是大快人心。让硅谷这帮站着说话不腰疼的装B左派尝尝文化大革命的滋 味 几个月前,关于入学AA的问题,我老就说,为啥硅谷不搞AA,那帮左派辩护者说什么老 黑不会编程序。老黑才不管你,人家就看上你的肥肉了。那句名言说的好,他们对付 别 人你不管,甚至还拼命帮腔,等他们来抓你的时候,已经没人替你说话了。 【 choming (请抵制“十万强插”计划!) 提到:】 发信人: TravisBickle (Travis), 信区: Military 标 题: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问 StupidMIT (史密斯和韦森和我) 发于 Thu Mar 21 12:14:03 2013, 美东, 信区: USANews 标 题: Re: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问题 (转载) 太好了,加州必须通过立法,规定每个公司里每种职位黑人数量都不能低于20%,不然 对了,还有老墨,也必须和他们在总人口中的比例匹配。 latexcat (什么是MT?) 发于 Thu Mar 21 12:18:18 2013, 美东, 信区: USANews 标 题: Re: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问题 (转载) 希望下次CNN调查NBA,NFA的歧视非黑人的问题 choming (请抵制“十万强插”计划!) 发于 Thu Mar 21 12:18:50 2013, 美东, 信区: USANews 标 题: Re: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问题 (转载) 不过左逼抽大麻之后估计 tolerance会比较高,所以屡次干搬起石头砸自己脚这种事 都不 终于来了,真是大快人心。让硅谷这帮站着说话不腰疼的装B左派尝尝文化大革命的滋 味吧。 pgxj (苹果香蕉) 发于 Thu Mar 21 12:25:21 2013, 美东, 信区: USANews 标 题: Re: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问题 (转载) 呵呵,这种恐怕不可能,现在黑人是老大,谁敢说黑人的领域不diversity?只能黑人 去 【 latexcat (什么是MT?) 提到:】 希望下次CNN调查NBA,NFA的歧视非黑人的问题...... latexcat (什么是MT?) 发于 Thu Mar 21 12:46:38 2013, 美东, 信区: USANews 标 题: Re: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问题 (转载) yep, other races are really under-represented at NBA, NFA ... 呵呵,这种恐怕不可能,现在黑人是老大,谁敢说黑人的领域不diversity?只能黑人 去抢人家。 bronstein (bronstein) 发于 Thu Mar 21 14:08:37 2013, 美东, 信区: USANews 标 题: Re: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问题 (转载) mymeaculpa (stretch) 发于 Thu Mar 21 14:11:56 2013, 美东, 信区: USANews 标 题: Re: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问题 (转载) 可是我覺得無聊的是CNN捏. 人家私人企業愛聘誰愛給誰做管理職跟人種有什麼關係呢? 我覺得公立機構,就是因為領公家錢,人民可以監督他們有沒有給黑人墨西哥人等"弱 勢團 體"足夠的機會. 但是私人企業,只要沒有違法,幹嘛去管人家聘的員工有沒有種族 代表性呢? xlzero (megatron) 发于 Thu Mar 21 14:14:18 2013, 美东, 信区: USANews 标 题: Re: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问题 (转载) 什么时候立法规定加州公司黑人比例? TFollowerII (Ninvestor) 发于 Thu Mar 21 14:16:34 2013, 美东, 信区: USANews 标 题: Re: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问题 (转载) 说得好。我也很替加州的公司高兴。 终于来了,真是大快人心。让硅谷这帮站着说话不腰疼的装B左派尝尝文化大革命的滋 味吧。 [发表自未名空间手机版 - m.] pgxj (苹果香蕉) 发于 Thu Mar 21 14:20:55 2013, 美东, 信区: USANews 标 题: Re: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问题 (转载) 跟这帮人讲什么私人财产有用吗?在人家眼里,私人财产是分配不公的结果,应该平均 分给大家才行。法律?共产党不是说,不要拿法律当挡箭牌吗? 【 mymeaculpa (stretch) 提到:】 可是我覺得無聊的是CNN捏. 人家私人企業愛聘誰愛給誰做管理職跟人種有什麼關係呢?...... mymeaculpa (stretch) 发于 Thu Mar 21 15:09:55 2013, 美东, 信区: USANews 标 题: Re: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问题 (转载) 照你這樣講, 我也開始覺得黑人和墨西哥人的思考有像共產黨. 跟这帮人讲什么私人财产有用吗?在人家眼里,私人财产是分配不公的结果,应该平均 分给大家才 行。法律?共产党不是说,不要拿法律当挡箭牌吗?...... grady (Little) 发于 Thu Mar 21 15:28:01 2013, 美东, 信区: USANews 标 题: Re: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问题 (转载) 这就象原来银行房贷,不贷给黑人,因为黑人还不起。Clinton的司法部长就说银行种 族 所以硅谷说黑人不会编程只是歧视的借口。每个公司都应该保证雇员的种族比例, 这 叫 终于来了,真是大快人心。让硅谷这帮站着说话不腰疼的装B左派尝尝文化大革命的滋 味吧。 TFollowerII (Ninvestor) 发于 Thu Mar 21 15:32:06 2013, 美东, 信区: USANews 标 题: Re: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问题 (转载) 先是种族,然后是性别,然后是年龄,然后可以是性取向什么的。 总之最后如果一个公司里没有按照种族分布,男女比例不是50 50,年龄不是老中青结 合,性取向不按比例,总是有什么不对的。 这就象原来银行房贷,不贷给黑人,因为黑人还不起。Clinton的司法部长就说银行种 族歧视。 [发表自未名空间手机版 - m.] grady (Little) 发于 Thu Mar 21 15:41:32 2013, 美东, 信区: USANews 标 题: Re: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问题 (转载) 可以通过一个Obamaequality法。任何 Company with more than 50 full time employees,都得满足各种统计分布,否则每人一年交$2000罚款。 【 TFollowerII (Ninvestor) 提到:】 先是种族,然后是性别,然后是年龄,然后可以是性取向什么的。...... garnetcrow (kikicoco) 发于 Thu Mar 21 15:47:08 2013, 美东, 信区: USANews 标 题: Re: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问题 (转载) make sense,加州的好些公司不是很挺奥巴嘛,先从加州搞起,让大公司员工必须满足 老 年痴呆症,唐氏儿以及各种脑残病分布好了,然后释放的罪犯也不能随便歧视,各种 杀 人抢劫强奸犯占公司员工比例 可以通过一个Obamaequality法。任何 Company with more than 50 full time employees,都得满足 ...... 各种统计分布,否则每人一年交$2000罚款。 TFollowerII (Ninvestor) 发于 Thu Mar 21 15:50:16 2013, 美东, 信区: USANews 标 题: Re: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问题 (转载) 再加上homeless。规定可以给你发工资。但是如果你一旦有home就必须辞职。 【 garnetcrow (kikicoco) 提到:】 make sense,加州的好些公司不是很挺奥巴嘛,先从加州搞起,让大公司员工必须满足 老年痴呆症, 唐氏儿以及各种脑残病分布好了,然后释放的罪犯也不能随便歧视,各种...... [发表自未名空间手机版 - m.] jerseyv (Vendetta) 发于 Thu Mar 21 15:52:15 2013, 美东, 信区: USANews 标 题: Re:CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问题 (转载) 你说的这个十几年前就开始搞了。公立学校一定要拿奖学金男女运动员人数一样。很多 学校不得不砍掉许多传统男子项目,很多女生随便申请个新增就能拿到奖学金,而很多 男生从小学练到中学,却失去机会 [在 TFollowerII (Ninvestor) 的大作中提到:] :想想有很多equality好搞。 :先是种族,然后是性别,然后是年龄,然后可以是性取向什么的。 choming (请抵制“十万强插”计划!) 发于 Thu Mar 21 15:56:47 2013, 美东, 信区: USANews 标 题: Re: CNN调查硅谷公司种族diversity歧视黑人的问题 (转载) 公立机构,包括NASA,政府,学校,公然歧视亚裔,却从来不见这些“种族平等”团体 冒个 【 mymeaculpa (stretch) 提到:】 可是我覺得無聊的是CNN捏. 人家私人企業愛聘誰愛給誰做管理職跟人種有什麼關係呢?...... 首页 上一页 页1/3 下一页 末页