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送交者: foc 2013月01月12日08:29:11 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 我想问的是,其中是否发生了禁枪,也许是发枪? 监视器 于 2013-01-12 07:31:26
The 1938 German Weapons Act 无法找到

The 1938 German Weapons Act, the precursor of the current weapons law, superseded the 1928 law. As under the 1928 law, citizens were required to have a permit to carry a firearm and a separate permit to acquire a firearm. Furthermore, the law restricted ownership of firearms to "...persons whose trustworthiness is not in question and who can show a need for a (gun) permit." Under the new law:

  • Gun restriction laws applied only to handguns, not to long guns or ammunition. Writes Prof. Bernard Harcourt of the University of Chicago, "The 1938 revisions completely deregulated the acquisition and transfer of rifles and shotguns, as well as ammunition."[4]
  • The groups of people who were exempt from the acquisition permit requirement expanded. Holders of annual hunting permits, government workers, and NSDAP party members were no longer subject to gun ownership restrictions. Prior to the 1938 law, only officials of the central government, the states, and employees of the German Reichsbahn Railways were exempted.[5]
  • The age at which persons could own guns was lowered from 20 to 18.[5]
  • The firearms carry permit was valid for three years instead of one year.[5]
  • Jews were forbidden from the manufacturing or dealing of firearms and ammunition.[6]

Under both the 1928 and 1938 acts, gun manufacturers and dealers were required to maintain records with information about who purchased guns and the guns' serial numbers. These records were to be delivered to a police authority for inspection at the end of each year.

  分种族禁枪  /无内容 - 监视器 01/12/13 (546)
  那么纯种雅利安人应该是发枪吧?  /无内容 - 监视器 01/12/13 (576)
    应该是在战争后期发给Volkssturm  /无内容 - foc 01/12/13 (592)
      冲锋队,开始可不是政府组织欧。  /无内容 - 监视器 01/12/13 (579)
        volkssturm不是冲锋队  /无内容 - foc 01/12/13 (565)
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