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Aren't you a "在美中国人" even
送交者: conscience of cn 2012月07月15日11:49:46 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 日本人是个血统概念,不是国籍概念。是日本籍的中国人几代以后还 太阳黑子 于 2012-07-15 09:33:15

with all your perennial, endless efforts to tease, smear, scold, and trash anything concerning China?  If you so despise your Chinese ancestry, why don''t you just bleach your skin, and especially your heart, white like Michael Jackson, so you can mingle more intimately in your ideal "white, western heaven"? 

I really wonder why you have wasted so much of your "precious, expensive" time on this forum to talk with all those Chinese you deemed "ancestrally inferior and filthy"? You have totally forgotten where you came from, and how you can achieve where you are today without your "filthy" ancestry.  Frankly, in my humble mind, with your ever-present, despicably dark mentality, you even cannot be comparable to a lower animal.  You knew that very well all along, didn''t you?

  老兄这一锥子下去够深,但未必能扎出血来,呵呵。  /无内容 - 汉唐 07/15/12 (451)
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