是,中国人读的宣传品太多,应该补课,看看真的历史 |
送交者: 父皇 2012月04月10日21:07:58 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 希特勒非常敬重英国人,暗地希望英国主动求和,联手统治欧洲 由 太阳黑子 于 2012-04-10 21:02:33 |
When I entered the next room Hitler was sitting at his desk and Ribbentrop stood by the window. Both looked up expectantly as I came in. I stopped at some distance from Hitler's desk, and then slowly translated the British Government's ultimatum. When I finished, there was complete silence. Hitler sat immobile, gazing before him. He was not at a loss, as was afterwards stated, nor did he rage as others allege. He sat completely silent and unmoving. 。。。。 Goering turned to me and said: 'If we lose this war, then God have mercy on us!' |
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2011: | 来瞧瞧带领中国登顶的领导层 | |
2011: | 关于TG最近策略我的看法 | |
2010: | 波兰总统访俄,并未获邀请 | |
2010: | 搜到一篇旧文---波兰,为何反华成瘾? | |
2009: | TG反腐败出新招了-以毒攻毒! 呵呵, 航母 | |
2009: | 做个调查,既然这么多人觉得中国买美国 | |