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送交者: eastwest 2011月09月12日17:24:41 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 苏联海军够凶悍,一千吨小舰撞美国八千吨大舰 eastwest 于 2011-09-12 16:57:38

The Soviets depict the outcome of the incident slightly differently. Following is a transcript of a report by Russian officers Nikolay Mikheev and Vladimir Bogdashin:

By the moment they approached our waters, the Americans followed in radio order distanced at 2700-3600 meters from each other. Cruiser was leading and more to seaside, destroyer closer to seashore at the cruiser's angle of 140-150 degrees left board. Coast Guard ship "Honest" ("Bezzavetny"), which was 8 times lighter than its American counterpart, and Coast Guardship "SKR-6" (equally lighter) were following the cruiser and destroyer at their course abgles of left boards 100-110 degrees at the distance of 90-100 meters. Behind that group an additional two USSR coast guardships followed.

When we received the order to start push out the US invaders, we run "All sailors man their battlestations", we sealed the bow sections, moved personnel out of bow sections, armed torpedoes, primed the machine guns, fielded the fire-fighting crews, sent "ready to engage" to shock troopers, rest of the sailors manned their stations. Right anchors were moved out the hawseholes. At the bridge of the "Honest" was Mikheev in contact with headquarters and managing the battle group, Bogdashin is helming the ship, translation officer keeps constant radiocontact with US group.

Closed in at distance of 40 meters, then closed to 10 meters (SKR-6 does the same with the destroyer). At the US cruiser's deck jolly sailors and officers waving, shouting, taking pictures, making obscene gestures as US sailors normally do. US cruiser's captain walked out to the left open part of the bridge.

When we've been confirmed "Act as planned" we started to "shove" the cruiser, simultaneously SKR-6 "shoved" the destroyer. Bogdashin steered the ship in such a way that the first contact was at tangent to the US cruiser's left board. After the impact as a result of the shock, sparkles flew, and American's board paint started to burn. For a moment, the fireball appeared, and then deep clouds of smoke trailed our movements. After the hit, our anchor has torn up the cruiser's board and made a pretty dent in our bow. The aftershock threw our bow away, while our stem went left, and our aft got dangerously close to enemy's board.

The US cruiser sounded full alarm, personnel rushed from decks down to holes, cruiser's captain rushed inside from the outer bridge. At that moment Americans obviously were unable to control the ship, so the cruiser turned right, which made it even more dangerous for the "Honest". After that Bogdashin commanded "right on board" increased the speed to 16 knots, which allowed somehow to lean our aft away from the enemy, but at the same time the US cruiser turned left and the most devastating (for Americans) impact occurred - what we wanted as "showing" turned into full ramming.

We've hit the cruiser into the helideck - our high and sharp bow, so to speak, "crawled" onto cruiser's helicopter deck, and at angle of 15-20 degrees to the left started to crush everything in its way, gradually sliding down to the cruiser's aft. The "show" tore up the deckhouse, cut down all the rails of helipad deck, destroyed the commander's cutter, further crawled to the aft deck, and also destroyed all guardrails. After that we broke the "Harpoon" launcher—we thought we're going to cut it off completely, but we just cut it in half. Then the anchor tore loose off the chain (by miracle, thank God, it didn't hurt any of US crewmen) it flew within inches from cruiser's firefighters crew and fell into water. Out of four US "Harpoon" launch pads, two were cut in half, the missiles' warheads hanging on the wires. One more "Harpoon" launch pad was bent.

Finally, our forecastle fell on water from the cruiser, we've parted with the cruiser and started to follow it at 50-60 meters. We've informed Americans that we will repeat a "show" if they don't leave our territorial waters. Strange activity was observed at the cruiser's decks. Firefighting crews (all of them Afro-Americans) first unrolled the fire hoses, but then disappeared into the holes - the US "Harpoons" didn't catch fires, so all men went into ship's inner spaces.

As intelligence reported later, US cruiser developed a fire in "Harpoon" support bunks deep in the hull, and also in "Asrock" anti-submarine missile bunks.

  其实还是美国人霸道,硬要穿过苏联领海 - eastwest 09/12/11 (587)
    但美国一直“习惯”承认中国12海里,毛爷的功劳!  /无内容 - macrowave 09/12/11 (459)
        扯吧,这里谈的是12海里,别又混到什么专属经济区。  /无内容 - macrowave 09/12/11 (421)
        这里谈的是撞船,别偷换概念!扯到领空上去了。  /无内容 - macrowave 09/12/11 (393)
          “敢不敢打”和“能不能打”对手区分得比你清楚。  /无内容 - macrowave 09/12/11 (411)
          俺师的歼5敲下架F4,歼6打掉个A3B,但歼6的飞行员第二天  /无内容 - PLA老兵 09/13/11 (579)
            26师据说现在改预警机师了  /无内容 - 生人 09/13/11 (439)
          那次是美国飞机自己击落自己的F-104。  /无内容 - 水蛮子 09/12/11 (429)
            F-4,还是F-104?  /无内容 - hmy 09/12/11 (436)
              似乎应为F4B.那个中队那天很倒霉,当天损失3架,其中一架是 - 生人 09/12/11 (540)
                对,F-4打F-4。另外,中国击落过F-104。  /无内容 - hmy 09/12/11 (454)
                  嗯.见过一张那次打104的照相枪冲印出来的照片,显示炮弹 - 生人 09/12/11 (659)
                    你不错,当年那照片很难看到。  /无内容 - hmy 09/12/11 (428)
                      飞行员的骑士气质别的军种真不好比,对阵时绝不留情,但和对手总 - 生人 09/12/11 (573)
                        是这个理。  /无内容 - hmy 09/12/11 (422)
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