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Did you read and understand my
送交者: logic. 2010月08月05日23:31:21 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 上次你让我转告中国的48-72小时危机怎么样了?都过了 无为 于 2010-08-05 21:36:42

last post concerning the ongoing conspiracy against China carefully?  Do you understand the messages I was trying to convey, or you really have some problems in reading and get the inherent meaning? 

In your work, reading so carelessly and then wrongfully pointing finger to someone who always have a goodwill toward you is reckless and detrimental.  I don't know whether this is your typical way of handling important things.  If yes, I am quite appalled.  According to your responses then and now, I am really disappointed in you. 

As a high-level corporate manager, and a mid-level elite in the whole society,  you should have no difficulty in feeling that I am several levels above your status (yes, I mean it) based on the history of my posts and the nature of contents.  The sole reason I chose you, among the three best candidates I select at that time, to convey the message was I construed you were a conscientious and responsible Chinese patriot and you might, just might, have a heart and some unique means to carry the message to the necessary people or organizations in Mainland China timely and expeditiously.  Honestly, although I didn't want to say before, your performance has been very disappointing indeed.  You just may not be the kind of person I thought who can be relied upon to carry the responsibilty in critical moment.  You should not be this kind of irresponsible person.  You know that.  You are just too ignorant but too arrogant.

There is still long life ahead of you.  If you can change, you might do many, many good things for China.  But all that depends on what you are really made of.  My advice doesn't seem very sweet to you right now, actually it may even sound bitter, but you know from the bottom of your heart that it's good for you.

I don't know why I am so patient with you and writing so much when I am so busy.  I may be really out of my mind.

      This is exactly why I say you - logic. 08/06/10 (445)
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