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送交者: laolai 2010月06月04日12:29:56 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 虚心求教:那个量子隐形传输,真的不受速度、空间限制吗? yaa 于 2010-06-04 11:57:05





2. 这“速度”和光速不可超是不矛盾的,因为当观测到第一量子态(信号源)的状态时,不可能操控它的状态:


There are situations in which it may seem that matter, energy, or information travels at speeds greater than c, but they do not. For example, if a laser beam is swept quickly across a distant object, the spot of light can move faster than c, but the only physical entities that are moving are the laser and its emitted light, which travels at the speed c from the laser to the various positions of the spot. The movement of the spot will be delayed after the laser is moved because of the time it takes light to get to the distant object from the laser. Similarly, a shadow projected onto a distant object can be made to move faster than c.[32] In neither case does any matter or information travel faster than light.[33]

In some interpretations of quantum mechanics, certain quantum effects may seem to be transmitted faster than c—and thus instantaneously in some frame—as in the EPR paradox. An example involves the quantum states of two particles that can be entangled. Until either of the particles is observed, they exist in a superposition of two quantum states. If the particles are separated and one particle's quantum state is observed, the other particle's quantum state is determined instantaneously (i.e., faster than light could travel from one particle to the other). However, it is impossible to control which quantum state the first particle will take on when it is observed, so information cannot be transmitted in this manner.[33][34]

  对.物质传送还是受光速限制.信息则不用.  /无内容 - e-mail 06/04/10 (506)
    信息应该是物质的组合吧?你把我整糊涂了。。。  /无内容 - yaa 06/04/10 (475)
        得,最后归类到神学范畴了,哈哈哈  /无内容 - yaa 06/04/10 (432)
        问题是,谁,用什么方式,把这约定带到宇宙另一端?  /无内容 - yaa 06/04/10 (518)
          可以在银河系某一个行星上发射纠缠光子,一束射向地球,一束射向 - e-mail 06/04/10 (556)
            你改变了射向地球光子的状态,射向其它行星光子状态会跟着变吗?  /无内容 - meteor 06/04/10 (467)
              会.这就是信息传送的原理.把地球受到的光子状态从0变成1,远 - e-mail 06/04/10 (566)
                那就太神奇了。  /无内容 - meteor 06/04/10 (491)
          事先通过物质传输约定好的。事发时不再依赖物质传输  /无内容 - laolai 06/04/10 (504)
            因为没有前因后果,所以不能传输信息。  /无内容 - meteor 06/04/10 (603)
          所以量子纠缠不能用于信息传播。  /无内容 - meteor 06/04/10 (515)
            应该可以传信息的 - laolai 06/04/10 (535)
              分送到甲乙两地受光速限制吧!  /无内容 - meteor 06/04/10 (513)
                对。这是我的理解。狭义相对论目前并没被突破  /无内容 - laolai 06/04/10 (452)
                  你后来改变了射向地球光子的状态,射向行星光子状态会跟着变吗?  /无内容 - meteor 06/04/10 (544)
                    这应该是的,纠结速度至少是一万倍光速 - laolai 06/04/10 (529)
                      你后来改变了射向地球光子的状态,已经不是“事先约定”了!  /无内容 - meteor 06/04/10 (544)
                        这里的“事先约定”是指“事先携带纠结量子”了  /无内容 - laolai 06/04/10 (522)
                          是不是说:一旦把纠结量子分别放到两地,超光速信息传播通道就实 - meteor 06/04/10 (532)
                            我理解应该是  /无内容 - laolai 06/04/10 (492)
                              铺高速铁路的速度可以远远低于在上跑的高速火车。高速火车的高速 - meteor 06/04/10 (573)
                              那就应该能超光速传播信息了。  /无内容 - meteor 06/04/10 (560)
                                去看star trek TNG  /无内容 - 太阳黑子 06/04/10 (539)
      如此,超光速传递信息,只是一个逻辑诡辩。  /无内容 - meteor 06/04/10 (437)
        但的确是一种新的有很大潜力的通信方式。 - laolai 06/04/10 (497)
          你和email的观点还是有区别的。他认为超光速传信息可实用。  /无内容 - meteor 06/04/10 (515)
            实用是在未来。我举的超光速炸宇宙的例子现在谁都可以做。 - laolai 06/04/10 (527)
              这个对星际旅行飞行器和地球通讯现实意义巨大。  /无内容 - meteor 06/04/10 (506)
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