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送交者: 透气 2010月02月23日19:23:31 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 没想到昨天一个关于美国储蓄率的贴引来很多跟贴 无为 于 2010-02-23 18:43:42


401(k) Resource Center

The 401(k) plan retirement system now holds $3.0 trillion in assets on behalf of 50 million active participants and millions of former employees and retirees. Despite the increased popularity of these plans, more must be done to help working Americans take the fullest possible advantage of the opportunity to save for retirement through their 401(k) plans. Research shows that Americans will save more through defined contribution plans with proper incentives, services, and guidance. Better understanding of 401(k)s, through education and disclosure, will also boost participation.

Policymakers should also take steps to ensure that the number of workers covered by 401(k) plans continues to expand. That means encouraging more employers, small and large, to open 401(k) plans by making them as simple and accessible as possible.

This resource center provides the fund industry's perspective on developments that affect 401(k) plans and their investors. It includes ICI's research and analysis of the 401(k) plan market and participant activity, as well as our advocacy for cost-effective 401(k) planning tools, services, and disclosure.

  这是以前的积累的储蓄, 现在的saving rate接近零.  /无内容 - 被禁言的人 02/23/10 (518)
    50mi active participants??  /无内容 - 透气 02/23/10 (516)
    你真是很白.  /无内容 - 被禁言的人 02/23/10 (561)
        你不信中国统计局,该信BEA的数字吧? - 被禁言的人 02/23/10 (574)
          NIPA's definition of personal - 透气 02/23/10 (546)
        你明白不明白不是所有人都有这机会的?  /无内容 - 被禁言的人 02/23/10 (560)
          我说过所有人了吗?我只是证明你在这方面的无知。  /无内容 - 透气 02/23/10 (589)
            我的net 收入80%都是存起来,举我这个例子不是更好.?  /无内容 - 被禁言的人 02/23/10 (590)
              the NIPA calculation excludes - 透气 02/23/10 (580)
              现在的saving rate接近零.  /无内容 - 透气 02/23/10 (616)
            我们在谈macro,你拿个单例过来..你不是无知,是白痴了.  /无内容 - 被禁言的人 02/23/10 (561)
              你自己不仅无知,更加白痴,还谈macro呢,你能拿出单例来吗  /无内容 - 大牙笑掉! 02/23/10 (582)
      你错了. 他说的是储蓄率, 不是储蓄.  /无内容 - 被禁言的人 02/23/10 (517)
        美国人民自己不储蓄,又不是政府逼他们不储蓄。 - 无为  /无内容 - 透气 02/23/10 (523)
      呵呵,看来全世界的经济学家都忘了这一笔钱了。 - 无为 02/23/10 (603)
        你大嘴一张美国401的钱都被中国控制了,利害 - 方块 02/23/10 (563)
          很多401的基础都是基于债券回报率.  /无内容 - 被禁言的人 02/23/10 (561)
            多少是很多?含含糊糊,都是废话。  /无内容 - 方块 02/23/10 (554)
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