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送交者: 声明 2010月02月07日12:28:56 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Fragile China (Calgary Herald, Caqlgary, Canada) 诛文丑 于 2010-02-07 11:34:48

The author is getting things backwards: The west is bullying China, not the other way around. Separatists in China can terrorize ordinary citizens and then get peace prizes and awarded honorary university degrees. All they need to do is to pay some lip services to peace. All the bloody photos of the victims can then be ignored. If China does not accept that, it would be China trying to bully the bullies. If you buy into this propaganda, just think about this: if your own religion cannot stop its believers from killing people, are you really naive enough to believe that Buddhism would stop its believers from stepping on ants? Do you think that the modern weapons shipped to Dalai Lama in the 60's were for praying?

Not only the western media is twisting the reality, it is twisting history as well. Just because your forefathers had to cross a huge ocean to "discover" the indigenous people of North America to kill, you are trying to make people to believe that China suddenly "discovered" Tibet in the 50's, and "invaded" Tibet. If you can read a map, you will find that people of Tibet live side by side with the rest of the Chinese people, and that goes back millenniums. There is no ocean between them. Did you even think about how things were before the  50's? You can look up maps going back centuries, and find that "the Chinese" invaded their own countries is absolutely ludicrous. I can tell you what invasions are: when the Europeans entered China with weapons, and made the Chinese government pay billions of ounces of silver to them in the 1800s, THOSE were called invasions. The payments are in the books. Go look them up. This is not even like the way that the Spaniards looted Americans. These are done as official government to government transactions. Of course, if you added in the looting done by European soldiers individually, the number would even be more staggering. You are saying the Chinese do not a have democratic society? If the west did not take all that money, the Chinese people would have had much better education than the author, and they would have a much more democratic society than the authors right now.

So stop bullying "the Chinese", as the western media like to referred to the Chinese people. Those days that you can bully the Chinese with rifles are long gone. Learn try to get along with them. Not just "tolerate" them.


  俺也顶!  /无内容 - ddl 02/07/10 (538)
  人才。外交部发言人的位子就等你去了。  /无内容 - wildkite 02/07/10 (541)
    军坛里藏龙卧虎,相信有很多高人可胜任省军级职务  /无内容 - ddl 02/07/10 (545)
  大鼎一个!  /无内容 - 诛文丑 02/07/10 (558)
    谢谢。但CH看来是不会登出来了  /无内容 - 声明 02/07/10 (524)
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