上个星期G跟女克林顿合计了:折腾一下中国!本来G已要撤离, |
送交者: yudi 2010月01月13日14:34:36 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: Google要那么好,为什么在中国仅占不足三分之一的地盘? 由 二胖 于 2010-01-13 13:19:18 |
找个dirty借口来 stir something up。接下来,你看:女克林顿要出场了!US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton today called on Beijing to explain cyber attacks originating from China against internet search giant Google and at least 20 other firms.Clinton calls on China to explain cyber attacks as Google threatens to pull out
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