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送交者: scar9999 2009月10月26日21:07:08 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 第494页,美国把大口径可发核炮弹的大炮送到金门,宋美龄在美国作访谈,说 funlad 于 2009-10-26 20:39:08
In another striking lapse of memory, the most senior American leaders began once again to talk almost casually in public as well as in secret meetings of the possible use of nuclear weapons in the Quemoy crisis. Air force general Nathan Twining, the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, reported to the National Security Council that seven- to ten-kiloton airburst bombs would clear away the offending Communist cannon. The United States rushed to Quemoy nuclear-capable eigth-inch howitzers, presumably to be controlled by Americans. And Soong Mayling, who had gone back to America in May 1958, told Meet the Press that people on the mainland were asking why Taiwan did not use nuclear weapons against the Communist regime.
    要真是请求美国核轰炸大陆,那得去国会,白宫去请求。  /无内容 - 方块 10/26/09 (565)
      she was NOT invited! you idiot - funlad 10/26/09 (616)
      She was lobying through press  /无内容 - scar9999 10/26/09 (579)
        蒋介石和周恩来都有密使玩来,国共在金门都是由分寸的。 - 方块 10/26/09 (610)
          原文说美参谋长联席会主席已经报告了使用核武器的可行性。 - scar9999 10/26/09 (575)
            那是美国人自行的研究,和宋无关。  /无内容 - 方块 10/26/09 (562)
              整段在讲对中共使用战术核武器的事,最后引用宋的话说 - scar9999 10/26/09 (580)
                整个金门炮战就是毛蒋知根知底地在玩,政治意义远大于实战意义。 - 方块 10/26/09 (585)
                  算了,不管宋怎么想,作者阐述的事实是: - scar9999 10/26/09 (601)
          对对,西门庆在狮子楼上踢武松用的是佛山无影脚 - funlad 10/26/09 (565)
            拜托你读一读第493页,别断章取义。  /无内容 - 方块 10/26/09 (556)
              Idiot你不会把你自己转载的书称作野史吧?  /无内容 - 方块 10/26/09 (578)
              有意思,P493说老蒋57年对老毛说:“向我开炮!”  /无内容 - scar9999 10/26/09 (588)
          Typo, 国共在金门都是有分寸的  /无内容 - 方块 10/26/09 (560)
    best joke of today.  /无内容 - funlad 10/26/09 (530)
  Here is the print version - funlad 10/26/09 (590)
      显然这位方先生认为宋在替共军刺探军情。真是笑死我了  /无内容 - funlad 10/26/09 (541)
        嗯, 蒋的粉丝真是不惜余力的为蒋该死及其走狗"正名"  /无内容 - gunfire 10/26/09 (533)
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