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送交者: 海括 2009月03月13日23:11:59 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 额地大胡子神啊,不学习不知道,一翻书赫老子一跳 suyu 于 2009-03-13 21:36:45

Capital Vol. III Part V
Division of Profit into Interest and Profit of Enterprise. Interest-Bearing Capital

Chapter 33. The Medium of Circulation in the Credit System


"The great regulator of the velocity of the currency is credit. This explains why a severe pressure upon the money-market is generally coincident with a full circulation." (The Currency Theory Reviewed, p. 65.)

This is to be taken in a double sense. On the one hand, all methods which save on medium of circulation are based upon credit. On the other hand, however, take, for example, a 500-pound note. A gives it to B on a certain day in payment for a bill of exchange; B deposits it on the same day with his banker; the latter discounts a bill of exchange with it on the very same day for C; C pays it to his bank, the bank gives it to the bill-broker as an advance, etc.

  and here is quote from - 海括 03/13/09 (489)
    你的这段和suyu说的那段没有关系  /无内容 - carwen 03/13/09 (437)
      这link和suyu说的那段有关系 - 海括 03/14/09 (422)
        我宁愿相信这是那位中国的银行官员说的而不是马克思说的  /无内容 - carwen 03/14/09 (403)
        看来确实是今人假老马之名了 - 江城子 03/14/09 (398)
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