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To determine if a country is
送交者: wada 2024月07月09日23:50:24 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 在外国人眼中,中国到底是发达国家还是不发达国家? zt eastwest 于 2024-07-09 08:00:49

To determine if a country is developed, one can simply check whether people with low 

incomes can live gracefully or in a decent manner.

For example, consider an Indian immigrant family in Germany, where the husband and 

wife have four children. The husband works as a taxi driver, and the wife does not work.

He works six hours per day and earns about 3,000 euros per month. With additional 

support from the government, their family income could be around 4,000 euros per month,

allowing them to live comfortably and gracefully.

In contrast, China is far from a developed country by this standard.

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