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送交者: oldfarmer 2023月03月25日21:05:45 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Huawei breakthroughs in design tools for 14nm chip oldfarmer 于 2023-03-25 21:04:03


lt is a big mistake by the West to underestimate the Chinese. Do you care to guess which country has the most foreign students getting Phd's and Masters degrees in Math, Computer Science and Engineering at top U.S. Universities like U.C. Berkeley, MIT, Stanford, Cal Tech, Georgia Tech, etc, The answer is China. China is graduating 1.2 million mathematicians, engineers and computer scientist per year, the U.S. graduates 120,000. Yes, we are ahead in semiconductor technology at the present time but the Chinese are catching up, no doubts about that, sanctioning Huawei and cutting their chip supply forced to develop their own technology, they are making progress, they are 2 cycles behind but catching up. Once they do, watch out, they are going to set up massive manufacturing capabilities to mass produce semiconductors and undercut in price Western companies to eventually dominate the market. The next 10 years will show that.

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