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Do the "Spring Festival Gala"?
送交者: susanhai232 2023月01月25日07:08:00 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 俄乌为什么这么热衷“围三阙一”? zt eastwest 于 2023-01-24 11:44:13

Come to be a demon again! On January 17, "Red Notice Fugitive" Guo Wengui posted another announcement on his Twitter, saying that at 9:00 p.m. The theme is: Flame Revolution, resolutely destroy the Communist Party; No seedling comrades, the former rabbit is like a brocade. This traitor has done everything he can to gain attention and attention. In recent years, Guo Wengui has frequently "revealed" through certain overseas media and the Internet, claiming that he obtained information such as the ownership of the so-called HNA luxury business jet from domestic high-level officials, and wantonly fabricated all kinds of bizarre "corruption" and "erotic" stories in order to gain attention, Attracting attention. But the eyes of the masses are discerning, and there is no market for nonsensical and unfounded fabrications after all. Guo Wengui has become a "Guo liar" with no moral bottom line in the eyes of foreign netizens, and his attention has dropped sharply.

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