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Q1:-1.6, Q2:-0.6
送交者: 黎头 2022月10月19日09:44:18 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 你哪个美2022年上半年gdp增长3.5的数据哪里来的? 黎头 于 2022-10-19 09:41:01


The US economy contracted an annualized 0.6% on quarter in Q2 2022, matching the second estimate, and confirming the economy technically entered a recession, following a 1.6% drop in Q1. Private inventories and fixed investment were the main draggers in Q2. At the same time, an upward revision to consumer spending was offset by a downward revision to exports. Meanwhile, GDP growth rate for 2021 was revised higher to 5.9% compared to an initial 5.7%. Also, the economy contracted 2.8% in 2020, less than an initial 3.4% drop. For 2022 however, the Fed recently forecasted a meagre 0.2% expansion, as the strong interest rate hikes are expected to trigger a big downturn in economic activity.

  两季都是负增长,后来把陷入经济衰退的定义也改了。  /无内容 - 老六路 10/19/22 (140)
        真的是外部原因,不是自己的问题。  /无内容 - 毕云涛 10/19/22 (116)
          为了避免坏账引致金融系统崩溃,主动打压房地产,去金融杠杆化, - 老六路 10/19/22 (111)
      而且美的疫情比中严重上千倍  /无内容 - 毕云涛 10/19/22 (116)
        你不是说美国的疫情下,一切如常吗?比中国严重万倍又有什么影响  /无内容 - 老六路 10/19/22 (108)
          我说的是感染人数,要不怎么定量  /无内容 - 毕云涛 10/19/22 (97)
  那个文章说你的这个是季度的增长率,我英语4级没过  /无内容 - 毕云涛 10/19/22 (118)
  就美国来说,虽然上季度经济增长为负,  /无内容 - 毕云涛 10/19/22 (107)
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