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good motive, deemed to fail
送交者: liuqiuprince 2022月04月15日20:36:50 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 攻击中国动态清零,无非就是为了证明美国死近百万人的合理性。 大虫 于 2022-04-15 20:10:51

Good motive can not replace reality. Just because it was working before doens't mean it would work again. The previous strains have R0 about 2 to 3, long incubation time, and most patients are symptomatic. The O strains have R0>9, very short incubation time and most are asymptomatic. The so-called dynamic zerop policy is just a wishful-thinking slogan that will never work. When the economy is played to death, people will be hurt twice and for long term. 

    u don't know what u talk - liuqiuprince 04/15/22 (253)
      来这里装蒜,你走错了地方了!  /无内容 - acarefreeman 04/16/22 (217)
        don't act like a'hole - liuqiuprince 04/16/22 (248)
          滚开吧,傻瓜!一个连中国国内最基本情况都不了解的傻瓜,张口 - acarefreeman 04/16/22 (336)
            就你这种傻瓜,何必这里卖弄中文,去找你的洋人爹爹吧,到了哪里 - acarefreeman 04/16/22 (186)
              中文==》英文  /无内容 - acarefreeman 04/16/22 (206)
                stop acting a'hole - liuqiuprince 04/16/22 (224)
                  见了走狗,人人有义务喊打!  /无内容 - acarefreeman 04/16/22 (222)
                    基于一个正在剧烈减小的参数能得出抗疫失败的结论,也只有你这样 - acarefreeman 04/16/22 (346)
      就你这连基本的中文都读不懂的洋奴,还好意思说“自然规律”?!  /无内容 - acarefreeman 04/15/22 (216)
        自然规律也分中和洋吗?怪不得你写的所谓科普文只敢发这论坛。  /无内容 - foc 04/15/22 (235)
          我是只是提醒你:有本事别再在中国人里混呀。你的洋人爹爹那么 - acarefreeman 04/15/22 (228)
            连别人的(中文)基本逻辑都读不懂,还特别喜欢跟人胡搅蛮缠, - acarefreeman 04/15/22 (230)
              你有什么资格在此盛气凌人。没逻辑的人才会这样做。  /无内容 - foc 04/15/22 (202)
                因为我看不起没有起码的人格尊严的洋奴,看不起说着中文、写着 - acarefreeman 04/15/22 (237)
                  打住吧。你不是个有知识的人,就是个骂大街的小丑而已。  /无内容 - foc 04/15/22 (218)
                    我有没有知识还真的轮不着由你的这样蠢货来评判!还装模作样地为 - acarefreeman 04/15/22 (213)
  O strain在英国病死率已降至0.035%,低于流感。  /无内容 - foc 04/15/22 (163)
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