one correction |
送交者: rca 2020月02月13日02:16:07 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 报告死亡远低于正常死亡武汉每天200, 湖北每天1150水平 由 古宇庙 于 2020-02-13 01:34:41 |
I suggest you to ignore those noisy and obnoxious douchebags. They do not worth our time. One correction though, the natural mortality rate in China is about 7.3 per 1000 per year. With 11.8 million population in Wuman the monthly natural death number should be about 700 to 800. Granted there are seasonal differences,it should put it around 1000 per month. So this daily natural death rate of 200 is not accurate. Correct me if I am wrong. |
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