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送交者: 涡轮 2019月09月03日20:33:48 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 明白说了,她做不了主,你们看着办 涡轮 于 2019-09-03 20:27:40

Another thing I want to assure you, that is my own feeling the pulse and through discussions, CPG (Central People's Government) has absolutely no plan to send in the PLA. They are now doing, sort of, acts which I'm sure you're quite aware of amongst the Communist Party, they're just quite scared now. 

Because they know that the price would be too huge to pay. Maybe they don't care about Hong Kong, but they care about 'one country, two systems'. They care about the country's international profile. It has taken China a long time to build up to that sort of international profile and to have some say, not only being a big economy but a responsible big economy, so to forsake all those positive developments is clearly not on their agenda.

  一句话,草包还不如上海有主意的,坐困愁城  /无内容 - 涡轮 09/03/19 (314)
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