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My personal view on US-China trade dispute
送交者:  2010年09月30日12:15:32 于 [世界股票论坛] 发送悄悄话

My personal view on US-China trade dispute

While direct trade tariff may be on not too high possibility, US may actually choose to isolate flows on the capital account, which are used by trading partners such as Japan and China to “manipulate” the strength of the US dollar through purchases of US Treasurys, and to deal with these separately to normal trade flows. Steps could then be taken to ensure that capital flows are managed to deter “currency manipulators”.

China should not back down and can afford to back down now. China has had a golden opportunity to appreciate the Yuan to 5:1 before 2007 crash. But China chose not to. My suggestion to them during 2006-07 was falling into a dead ear.

Now everything is too late. Inflation shows up and wage increase will surge to a high level, eating up people savings and corporate profits. China A-shares will need to wait for quite a while to show any significant growth. But housing bubble will continuous.

US is going to lead the 2nd recovery, not China.

I will write something about Rare Earth Metals when I have time. There seems to be too much misunderstanding among the Chinese investors. Stay tune.

    错了错了,都错了。。。 - eachus 09/30/10 (392)
      他印钱不就弱势了别人升值他就贬值了啊  /无内容 - fayfay 09/30/10 (305)
  贸易战 + 汇率战 谁怕谁? - eachus 09/30/10 (389)
  haha - garfield 09/30/10 (367)
    G兄好。  /无内容 - 电子邮箱 10/03/10 (323)
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